achongʔacɔːŋnentire region of river valleyNgéq achong he Pacóuh kếh ngéq o, achong mương ngkếh nnhoup.All of our Pacoh region are all good, but (those of) the region of that province are bad.
achơ ngơuqʔacɤː ŋɤːwʔvsstupid; ignorant, dull-witted, mentally retardedA–i a–ám yoa ipôc hoc cốh phai pôc hoc, acâp ngâh iyư lám ính cloun, tốq dyê xéiq nô ra ma lâyq bôn chom uráq u–ar cốh ngai tông do cốh láh achơ ngơuq....Ipe a–em iyư inô ntra ân lâyq ichom uráq u–ar cốh damo damo ma ính padâm ính pilốh he, tông he achơ, cốh ma íh lư achơ ma cou lâyq bôn nnau pahoc cốh vaih lâyq ichom.Parents send you to go study, so must go study, don't only think about wanting to play--when grown up in the future if don't know writing then people will say, "He is stupid."...Younger brothers, remember the past when we didn't know writing so everyone wanted to oppress wanted to deceive us, said we were stupid, but we weren't really stupid, but because there was no one to teach resulting in our not knowing.cfachơcaus:pichơ