Pacoh - English


babarbabaːrnumboth; all twoIn expression ‘don’t speak two languages’.8.1.1Number
babar cangnpboth tongues; two-facedDo ân lư cray patát, lâyq tacang babar cang.Those who are conscientious and have integrity don’t speak two languages (aren't two-faced).
babetbabɛːtneastern swallow1.6.1.2Bird
babéinhbabḭɲnyoung men, the strong onesApe ân babéinh.The strong-young men.4.1.2Types of people
babeaubabḭawvsmouth twisted at one corner, as pouting8.3.1.5Bend
baboiqbabɔːjʔnkind of singingsynchachâpchachâptachâpcfcarlơispec:táq carlơihat4.2.3.3Sing
baborbabɔːrnbird with colorful stripes that flies by night1.6.1.2Bird
babưihbabɯːsvsnauseated, want to vomit (polite term)2.5.1Sick
bac xíqbaːk siʔndoctorVN
baiqbaːjʔvtrepair netcfclam
balbaːlvtspot fish at nightPôc bibal.Go spot-fishing.6.4.5Fishing
bal-bəlexp.pfxcontinuallyBambuôl.Water bubbling.Balboup, balbaơp, barbaơiq.Continually, continually, continually.
balbaơpbəl.bɯ̰ːpadvalways, continuallyA–i dơi balbaơp tông achưng acư.Mother still always speaks instructions to me.cfbarbaơiq
balbéoqbəl.bɛwʔexpcontinually carrying a child7.3.1Carry
balboupbəl.bṵːpexpcontinuallyCốh ma a–i dơi bâl boup tông achưng acư,But mother continually instructed me,
balbuyhbəl.busexparomatic, delicious smoking; puff, puffcfphuyh
balbútbəl.butexpof rice, water, etc. leaking out of hole
bambarbəm.baːrvdivide in two
bambayhbəm.basnsacrificesyntampứcrt-v:tức; pa pc dial.: tampâctantứcsit: ingay tantức; rt-v: tức
bambuôlbəmbuəlexpwater bubbling strongly
bambuônbəmbuənvisellingsyntantéich chanchơng
banbaːnntablesyntarơn kichơngVN
ban chaiqbaːn caːjʔnscrub brush
ban chaiqscrub brush
bangbaːŋvtrepresentArâq do ân át bang he.Like him who is representing us.