Pacoh - English
babar babaːr num both; all two In expression ‘don’t speak two languages’. 8.1.1 Number
babar cang np both tongues; two-faced Do ân lư cray patát, lâyq tacang babar cang. Those who are conscientious and have integrity don’t speak two languages (aren't two-faced).
babet babɛːt n eastern swallow Bird
babéinh babḭɲ n young men, the strong ones Ape ân babéinh. The strong-young men. 4.1.2 Types of people
babeau babḭaw vs mouth twisted at one corner, as pouting Bend
babor babɔːr n bird with colorful stripes that flies by night Bird
babưih babɯːs vs nauseated, want to vomit (polite term) 2.5.1 Sick
baiq baːjʔ vt repair net cf clam
bal baːl vt spot fish at night Pôc bibal. Go spot-fishing. 6.4.5 Fishing
bal- bəl exp.pfx continually Bambuôl. Water bubbling. Balboup, balbaơp, barbaơiq. Continually, continually, continually.
balbaơp bəl.bɯ̰ːp adv always, continually A–i dơi balbaơp tông achưng acư. Mother still always speaks instructions to me. cf barbaơiq
balbéoq bəl.bɛwʔ exp continually carrying a child 7.3.1 Carry
balboup bəl.bṵːp exp continually Cốh ma a–i dơi bâl boup tông achưng acư, But mother continually instructed me,
balbuyh bəl.bus exp aromatic, delicious smoking; puff, puff cf phuyh
balbút bəl.but exp of rice, water, etc. leaking out of hole
bambar bəm.baːr v divide in two
bambayh bəm.bas n sacrifice syn tampức rt-v: tức ; pa pc dial.: tampâc tantức sit: ingay tantức ; rt-v: tức
bambuôl bəmbuəl exp water bubbling strongly
ban chaiq baːn caːjʔ n scrub brush ban chaiq scrub brush
bang baːŋ vt represent Arâq do ân át bang he. Like him who is representing us.