Pacoh - English


búnbunnblessingItáq arâq ngcốh cốh o bún.Doing like that results in blessings.Avốq Rbang Pilóng dyôn abún (o bún).God gives blessing.synthôqyang1
búngbuŋntrench; cellarNgai át tốq mbut tốq ravứng, tốq trứng laloaq.They lived in hills, forests and jungles, wandering.
búng bóuibuŋ bṵjnof funeral and burial--probably a big celebration
búng xúng boacbuŋ suŋ bṵakexpof funeral and burial--probably big celebration2.6.6.3Funeral
búp ibúpbup ʔibupexpof sound of gunfire
búq ibúqbuʔ ʔibuʔexpsecretlyR–ay amâh ipe xáng búq ibúq mứm imứm coq itông o lư yứng te mur dúng.Whatever you hear in secret speak loudly from the rooftop.synmứm imứm
buôinhalf day
buôiqbuəjʔvtwash (face)5.6.2Bathepa
buôngbuəŋnspoon5.2.2.8Eating utensil5.2.1.3Cooking utensilpk
buôtbuətvtwipe dry; washFace, hands.cfraosit: rao ati; caus: parao; nomi: parrao; invol: tarao5.6.2Bathe
bɯːvocdearAchai bư, dyoun acư chicha.Dear friend, give me something to eat.Especially used together with kinterm or name when pleading.cfhơơ
bưcbɯːkvpull up stump, manioc, etc.synrưc7.3.2.8Pull
bưih1bɯːsneg1not Weaker negation of events/attributes. Contrasts with lâyq which is more definite. It is especially important to use bưih in such matters as health, lest spirits take exception and cause sickness. Not, in the sense of having avoided something.cflâyq1pc dial.: cáh; pa dial.: avaih4.4.3.3Avoid9.4.6.1No, not2don'tBưih may rngíh cư a–ính.Don't think (Avoid thinking) I hate you.3avoidBưih cheit pít moui bôn xúc xiên iên thân.Avoided dead and gone and got riches and luxury.abưihunspec. comp. formʔabɯːsadvavoid, escape; so as notMay mout tapun acho abưih pít.Go in and follow the dog so not to lose it.a= variant of o. synaróng1
bưih2bɯːsynqor not?; question markerDo a–ay (lâng) bưih?Is he sick?Alternative question, contrasts with lâyq. synpiláhcflâyq1pc dial.: cáh; pa dial.: avaihlâyq2
bưih adáhbɯːs ʔadahvpnot afraid4.4.3.1Brave
bưih amâhbɯːs ʔamɤhnegunfounded; groundless; it doesn’t matter3.5.8.2Meaningless3.5.5Foolish talk
bưih chưbɯːs cɯːnegnot-so-much; mediocre, but not like you thinkNgai tông do cốh achơ, cốh ma bưih vi chư achơ.They say he is stupid, but he isn’t that bad.
bưih dyutbɯːs ʄuːtadvimmediatelyBưih dyut, táq lâng!Immediately, do it.antdyut1cfkhám
bưih hânbɯːs hɤnvsnot-in-a-hurry; not in a rushsynbưih hârcfbưih hâr hâplout4.3.1.5Patient
bưih hârbɯːs hɤrvsnot in a hurrysynbưih hâniláq bưih hân
bưih hâr hâpbɯːs hɤr hɤpvsnot-in-a-hurry; not in a rushcfbưih hânlout4.3.1.5Patient
bưih nambɯːs naːmvsneversynlâyq nam
bưih nárbɯːs narvsquiet; calm; peaceful4.3.6Self-controlled1.3.2.5Calm, rough