ca1kaːquant1all2both...and, not limited to twoCa ngay ca dau.Both day and night.Ca campay Nnhoup ca Nnhoup ca Curốq táq pe ingay loi la bar culám loi, yôl bar culám tadi.
ca2kaːrelrelator that; whichOr is this Bru? see ndon. pk
ca-kaːv.pfxcausativeCacheit; ca–ưq; caxout mát.Kill; agree; close eyes.cfpa-ta-1
ca=kaː1v.clitcollectiveKeat-cakeat.To cut around-to cut all the way around.clitic form of ca ‘all’; Occurs on some numerals and one-syllable verbs.cfDUP.Ca1spec:babar, pape, papoan, xaxông, chachít ‘all two; all three; all four; all five; all ten’2num.clitcollectiveCabar, cape, capoan.All two, all three, all four.clitic form of ca ‘all’; Occurs on one-syllable numerals.; These are synonymous with the reduplicative collectives, i.e., babar, pape, papoan, xaxông, chachít.
cabouiqkabṵːjʔvtmanner of tying up long hair in the old daysCabouiq xóuc ngcư toiq tốq nâh, tamme icúp xóuc tư cư bôn acay.I tied my hair long to here, more recently cut hair since I had children.7.5.4Tie