Pacoh - English


cachóuckacṵknhouse lizardsyncaldem2
cachơngkacɤːŋnfurniture; bed; tablesynchơngkichơngkichơng bíqVN
cachưckacɯːkvttempt, tell child it can do all the bad it wants3.3.3.3Persuade
cachứngkacɯŋvput rice into basket
cadakadaːvsthin; fine; delicateantcabínhpl dial.:cubín8.2.3.1Thin thingpa
cadáhkadahvtbite hard object
cadângkadɤŋvtholdNgai tâc tốq yang ngai a–eq itun cadâng acay két aham axiêt.They sacrifice to spirit, taboo to follow holding a bloody small child.Campay tôm pứq, cư cadâng campay tua két.The first wife is provided for well, but I provide little for the last wife.pc
cadâqkadɤʔsp. var.cadớqnkind of squash plant with edible seedsHôm mâh callong cadâq ân xam; callong cadâq nnéh phai pidóh.He saw a squash seed that ??; this seed must explode.Has seeds that explode when toasted.
cadâyhkadɤsnred fruit5. from fruit
cadeihkadḭːhnnightmare, bad dream so must not leave house
cadílkadilvtblock, hinderNgai cadíl carna, he avaih hui pôq.They blocked road, we not able to go.cfkêhcaus:pikêhtraih7.3.6.2Block, dam up
cadíl catángkadil kataŋvtblock, hinder
cadíl puaqkadil puəʔvshade from sunCadíl puaq, tapưng bo.Cover from sun, cover from rain.
cadíqkadiʔvtorderDo dyoq cadíq ape dyoq ape pi.He ordered, forbade them from telling.cfyoarecp: taryoa
cadôrkadoːrnunderside of knee
cadớqsp. var. ofcadâq
cadúhkaduhvtbump into; hit with something accidentally7.7.1Hit
cadưkadɯːnbushknife-carrying basket on waist at back6.6.4.2Weaving baskets and matspa
cadưpkadɯːpprepthe back, behindCoq ntruôi aráh cadưp dúng.The chicken pen is on the side behind the house.syncapeing9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions8., similar
cadứckadɯknred squash (pumpkin)syncadức pluôccl:lámcadức taqcfatoalcl:lám1.5Plant1.5.5Parts of a plant
cadức cariêhkadɯk kariəhnlong squashcfcadức pluôccl:lámcadức taq1.5Plant1.5.5Parts of a plant
cadức pluôckadɯk pluəknkind of squashsyncadứccl:lámcadức taqcfcadức cariêhcl:lámcariêhtaq1.5Plant1.5.5Parts of a plant
cadức tackadɯk taːknkind of squashcfcariêh
cadức taqkadɯk taːʔnpumpkin squashsyncadứccl:lámcadức pluôccl:lámcfcadức cariêhcl:lám1.5Plant1.5.5Parts of a plant
cadức taqpumpkin squash