Pacoh - English


chóuqcṵʔnbite; sore; scabies, rashcfmpeihspec: axoiq mpeih; pk dial.: mpeh2.5.3Injure
chôcoːvreturnƠi chô me ki hôm parưi.Oh, come back and look and see worm.cfchoucaus:achou pachou; nomi:parchou; recp:tarchoupa; pk
chôiqcoːjʔvtlure; seduceNtôn nnúc xúc parnha cốh ngéq uchôiq lom (uchôiq tốq lom).Wealth lures/seduces heart (or to heart).cfchan cavat
chômcoːmnchest, breast bone of animalcfpom21.6Animal
chôngcoːŋvsuffer or be punished with someone for their mistakes or crime
chôpcoːpvsall aroundpk
chốccokvtkick straight and hard2.5.3Injure7.7.3Kickpk
chốh1cohvscompletely red, as a flower or grain almost ripe
choahcṵahnsandsynakéinhxông1pa pc dial.: xoang; cl: callongcfpal
choah cacrơqcṵah kakrɤːʔvgravel
choaihcṵasnupright posts holding ridepole up
choaiqcṵajʔvtest, e.g., touch to feel temperature, or ask in a roundabout waysynilác
choalcṵalvpiled up above top of basket, using a leaf for sideboards above topNám pânh cốh ichoal.If full then put in leaf and fill higher.
choancṵanntree--bark to make sugarcane wine
choaq1cṵaʔvttread out; trample; go into clean place with dirty feetChoaq tro.Tread out rice.6.2.5Harvest
choaq2cṵaʔna measure: length of two feetpa
choarcṵarnpenis of animals and birds1.6Animal
chơicɤːjvdig out
chơmcɤːmvtblock, close off, barricadeAcâp chơm carna.Don’t block the road., dam up
chơnh cachángcɤːɲ kacaŋviof smile3.5.6.4Laugh
chơqcɤːʔnmarket6.8.4.8Store, marketplace