Pacoh - English


doungdṵːŋncopper; piastrecftúng bương6.8.6.1Monetary units1.2.2.3Metal
doung houdṵːŋ hṵːnwatchcfdông hôsound: créc réc réc8.4.4.2Clock, watchVN
dourdṵːrvlay down branches like fence to scare away animals
dócdɔkexpsound of click2.3.2.2Sound
dóh1dɔhauxaccidentally; involuntarilyDaq pưt ngngát dóh idoq paiq doq xa carna.The river dried up causing to clear a road.Dóh is the form of reduplicative Cáh that occurs before verbs beginning with do.
dóh2dɔhvsfamous because of goodness, greatnessNốh do cốh lư dóh.His name is very famous.
dóh3vwoundedPâyq avaih bác, chât avaih bác, pánh avaih dóh.Chopped not pierced, stabbed not pierced, shot not wounded.Pahoc ân khéh ân khống, pếnh lâyq dóh, pâyq lâyq bác.Taught magic, shot not wounded, shot not pierced.
dóng1dɔŋvt2give6.8.3.1Give, donatepc
dóng2dɔŋnmiddle finger, toe
dóucdṵkviangry, annoyed, aggravatedFeeling in heart, though not expressed like pi–ốh. ; Not as strong as réngsynxóulcfpi–ốhrecp:par–ốh; pa pc dial.:pa–ốh3.
dóuc xóuldṵk sṵlvsvery angryHôm cune cha ngéq a–ứm, cư xáng lư dóuc, a–ính, ính lư péinh cune.Seeing deer eat all the corn, I felt very angry, hated, really wanted to shoot deer.cfréng pacang
dóuhdṵhvbreak; brokenDóuh plô.Break neck.7.9Break, wear out
dóung ydṵŋ jviagree3.2.5.4Agree with someoneVN
dóup dóupdṵp dṵpexpprostrate; of person lying on stomach
dóuq ndóuqdṵʔ ʔəndṵʔexpof lossPít dưt ndưt Parưi Arau, dóuq ndóuq Parưi Arau.Great loss to Worm.syndưt ndưt
1doːPronunc.Variant of
2doːdemabove; upwardLư o maiq, adyang tóh ma tarrô adyang dô tar–al.Her face was beautiful, brilliant from below to above.anttóh2uh:tíh; def:ntóh
dôi1doːjncooked staples, principally rice5. from seeds5.2.3.4Prepared food
dôi2vtexchange; transform; switchpaViet
dôi xứqdoːj sɯʔdial. var.idôi-xứqvttreat; behaveTư ado ngai ân két idôi xứq la tốq o ngai cammour lalâu tốq ân a–ám anhi a–i ama ân a–iêuq la li li ngâh cadyiq.They treated them from small to youth to old parents and uncles and aunts, they treated them equally.(although a loan word it takes the clitic i=) syndông2caus:padông, pardông; recp:tardông; invol:tadôngVN
dôldoːlvifloat; rise1.3.4Be in waterpa; pk
dông1doːŋvt2take, bring; carryNgcốh upôc dông culay croul ado Ông Parnha tốq piday.Then he went took rambutan to Mr. Rich at the field.Ngai dông ngai cui dáng achoiq.They carry they carry in back basket.Most generic term for take/carry.7.3.1Carry