Pacoh - English


dyânʄɤnndurable vine
dyâr dyưaqʄɤr ʄɯəʔexpplentifullyDaq mát dyâr dyưaq ntouh.Tears falling plentifully.
dyaơtʄɯ̰ːtvljump gracefully
dyeiʄḭːnbad luck curseE.g., failed to catch anything.
dyei dyeʄḭː ʄɛːexpcall a rat makesDyei dyei abíl xôl.Cheep cheep a rat/mouse calls. sounds
dyeicʄḭːknbird call
dyeinʄḭːnvlclimb from one tree to next
dyeingʄḭːŋvsuck; magnetic attraction
dyel dyôlʄɛːl ʄoːlexpdrifting, e.g., of leaves
dyeng vangʄɛːŋ waːŋngold
dyécʄɛkvslice with tip of knife; mark with pen/pencil
dyéhʄɛhvtear with fangs
dyéiqʄḭʔvseasy, simplecfiên2
dyéiuqʄḭwʔvtsuckDo dyéiuq tambír.He is sucking with his lips.cfdyóuc2caus:padyóuc; nomi:pardyóuctuvaiuq1caus: pa–uq2.1.1.4Mouth
dyéngʄɛŋnmouse deercfadyaơnhpa dial.: poaih; cl: lámpoaihcl:lám1. animals
dyéoqʄḭwʔvsuck, e.g., through straw
dyépʄɛpvtaste, touch with tonguecfpóunh5.2.2Eat
dyêʄeːaux1alreadyTốq dyê ính idau cốh ngai paxear curu.When already about to be dark, they bring the diviner down.dyê is used most from Pacoh to Alơaiq; Pôc_dyê = coa_pôc.syndyâhdyơ 1nomi: pardyơcfkhoiq8.4Time8.4.6.2Past2finishedCốh lư dyê, cốh a–aq tông, “Dyê ke, may nhóung o lâng lâyq?” Then truly finished, so/then crow said, “Finished dear, do you see it pretty or not?”3after
dyê ngcốhʄeː ʔəŋkohconjnext; then; after that; at thatDyê ngcốh babor idứh dyeal llám cucháh ân coum.Next the owl took a piece of black rice.Dyê ngcốh, cốh ngai chou.After that they returned.8.4Time9.2.5.2Clause conjunctions8.4.6.2Past
dyếhʄehvtsew6.6.1Working with clothpk
dyealʄḭalvttake; pluck; getChâq, day dyeal achát dyeal acóuq, cốh bâq treal vít, treal taq bar tarcál.Ha, I’ll take axe take bushknife, then chop up, chop it in two.Cayâq dyeal campay.Husbands take wives. something from somewhere7.4.3Get
dyeal tarrotʄḭal tər.rɔːtvpreceive indemnityanttrotnomi:tarrot7.4.2Receive