Pacoh - English


éhʔɛh1vdefecate; have bowel movementsynca–éh2.2.8Defecate, feces2ndefecationAchít tông, “Nday cou éh ipe te iniêng cốh day peih tahoum cốh plai.”No.10 said, "Because of your defecation from upstream, so I took it to bathe (her) so white."
éinh i–éinhḭɲ ʔiʔḭɲexpof constant arguing, on and on3.
én i–énʔɛn ʔiʔɛnexpshort-necked--squeezing throat
éqʔɛʔnexclamation like ‘uh oh!’syníq
ér érʔɛr ʔɛrexpof melodious singing2.3.2.3Types of sounds