hahéngvssharpCốh ngéq udoq xât pláng li nnéh, udoq pâyq raiq, pâyq raiq hahéng lư, bâq udoq xât.Then all one put tied in bundles thatch like this, one put chopped to a point, chopped sharrpened to a point very sharp, then one put tied in bundles.
hang-hêchəŋheːkvipant (as from running)hang-hêc lalúhRunning and panting.
hanh1haːɲvthear news secondhand; spread news (?)Tamme nnéh he hanh parhanh daq táq ê lư cucheit ticuôi dáng Nhât Ban.We recently listened to news about the tsunami that killed many people in Japan.
hanh2haːɲvt1study, learn22nd part of 'study'Acay acon ma bôn hoc bôn hanh, bôn nhóung fim anh dai, TV.
haohaːwvmspend; use up quickly; wasteHao práq cốh nhaq ngéq; nhaq pít.Spend money so quickly gone; quickly lost.syntâc2nomi:patâc, partâc; recp:tartâcVN
hayhajadv1agreed; like toTông, " Hay, nháng tarkíl hay. Said, "Agreed??, we trade, agreed??. "2oftenHe hay tông acâp itáq arâq ayoun.We like to/often say, Don't do like the rabbit."
háh aheauhah ʔahḭawexploud repetitionsHáh aheau ape dông crao lư yứng.Repeatedly they shouted very loud.Like at a political rally.synheau iheau hout ihout