khálkhalvtmeasure (rice)Khál axâq.Measure rice.Ipe khál dyoun angai li mmo cốh ngai ma dơi khál dyoun ado ipe li ngcốh.You apply however much to others and they will apply the same measure to you.8.2.8Measure
khámkhamvsenough; sufficientKhám may cha lâng lâyq?Enough you eat or not?Nong nong khám parlayh ân ihoun ôi catayh.Always sufficient words ready to give an answer.cfachíh arin 1bưih dyut
khám ngéqkham ŋɛʔadvperfectKhám ngéq; dyơ ngéq, cray ngéq, piêiq ngéq.Perfect; already all, exactly all, appropriately all.synachíh arin 1
khâmkhɤmv1be stableÂn ngai tông ma bưih pít.What they say they stick to.antcacưtsit:tandưr cacưtsyncâypicâycfter lom4.3.6Self-controlled7.2.1.6Steady, unsteady2 firm, to stand firmÂn cư houn táq ma bưih taplít, cốh khâm lom.What I promise to do I don’t back out, so my heart is firm.
khânkhɤnvtdedicate animal to sacrifice later if recoverPromise to sacrifice pig or whatever to spirit if child is healed.cfcanânspec:khân canân, rnânrlômspec:rlôm yang
khâpkhɤpexpgood fortune; everything going well; luck, e.g., arriving at friend’s house to find that he just got a deer; blessingYang Rbang dyoun ân khâp ân o.God gives blessings.antaculsynkhúm múh4.4.5.1Lucky
khâp khúm úm múhkhɤp khum ʔum muhexpgood fortune; everything going well; luck, e.g., arriving at friend’s house to find that he just got a deer; blessing