Pacoh - English


lingliːŋvslike beforesynarâq tiaqpk
liqliːʔvsflooded, e.g., of housePưt daq, dúng cư ngéq liq.Big water, house my all flooded.synrtilcflurrtil1.3.2.1Flow1.3.3Wet
liq arliliːʔ ʔər.liːvsequallyYang dyôn liq arli.Spirit gave
li–mmosp. var. ofli mmohow much/many
lícliknkindChir líc panaih-panan.All kinds of jack
língliŋvtcollect (salary)synlánhVN
líng tiênliŋ tiənvtcollect (salary)VN
lính1liɲnsoldier; army6.6Occupation4.
lính2liɲvcause to break out in hives
lialiənpieces behind yoke (ox) for pulling woodVN
liêhliəhvigo back; come back; returncfchoucaus:achou pachou; nomi:parchou; recp:tarchou7.2.3.6Return
liêh carlunliəh kər.luːnvlturn back; depart7.2.3.6Return
liêh vít lomliəh wit lɔːmvpbetrayYuda Ít-carôt ính liêh vít lom alứng Yêxu.Judas Iscariot wanted to betray Jesus.cftáh lomtéich1pa dial.: tách; rep: titéich, tantéich
liêpliəpnwoven wall fastened in circle for storing rice
liêuliəwvtdeceive; dupe, e.g., send on wild goose chaseArâq tông, Vi ngai ân ính tumúh may cốh pôc tốq cốh.Like saying, There are people want to meet you, so go there. (But no one is really there.)syntalúqsit:tông talúqcfparlốh1
lla1ʔəl.laːprowhat?, whatever; anythingCáh chom lla, cáh bôn lla.Didn’t know anything, didn’t have
lla2ʔəl.laːnpossessionMay táq imo ma khoiq dyê lla ndo Cantưi.No matter what you do, you are already the belonging of Orphan.Ao do lla.His own shirt.Tammoi peih táq he ân lla cammuiq. He ân lla ticuôi ân cheit….Visitors steal against us who belong to the dead bodies. We who belong to the dead people.
llám1clclass. thing/animal
llám2ʔəl.lam1deta; the one, even in ‘all the one things’Cốh curu xay yoa he bayh llám tiriaq.Then the medium instructed us to sacrifice a buffalo.Achéiq ngcốh, cứp llám tarli vi tupát lám nnár.Those birds, every one equally had six cl. wings.L- appears to replace relativizer ân, deriving a determiner from the classifier lám. It can stand alone as a pronoun, or precede a noun.2advonlyPôc cloun, lư llám cloun.When you go play, really only play.cflám1
lle veʔəl.lɛː wɛːexpslowly; bit by bit; little by littleTư ngcốh lư lle ve, lle ve udông calai anha tốq anga tor.From there very slowly, slowly it took their boat in the direction of the shore.
lleihʔəl.lḭːhnpart of bird trap6.4.2Trap
llécʔəl.lɛkadvof one who talks a lot, loquaciousTư nnéh acâp may tâq nnáng tamoír ân lléc.From now on don’t you ever be a loquacious guest.
lléc llérʔəl.lɛk ʔəl.lɛradvof one who talks a lot, loquacious