Pacoh - English


nteqʔəntɛːqvtlet; allow
ntéhʔəntɛhadvpowerful; potentCuxéinh ngcốh vi parray ntéh!That snake has a potent sting!
ntéiq1ʔəntḭʔvsbroken, snapped, severed in twosyntartéiqticâyhsit:ticâyh abúng7.8.1Break
ntéiq2ʔəntḭʔvmbegin feast; opening of feastTốq dyê ntéiq ariêu api parnô cốh ngai tiráp tiréng amâh ala.When opening of the feast like tomorrow then they prepare everything.Only of feasts?antparlouiqtallouiqsynntôpsynl: bát dâu; rt-v: tôppidouhsit:ingay pidouhtarnôp7.3.6Open
ntéiq ariêuʔəntḭʔ ʔariəwvmbegin feast; opening of feastTốq dyê ntéiq ariêu api parnô cốh ngai tiráp tiréng amâh ala.When opening of the feast like tomorrow then they prepare everything.7.3.6Open
ntêpʔənteːpnroll; something spread, e.g., mat, anything slept uponntêp ntouihunspec. comp. formnmat; bedroll
ntêp ntouihunspec. comp. form ofntêp
ntêrʔənteːrvt2tell on someone, report; notifyDo pi ntêr o rlayh angai na ân parlayh parhanh YR.He explained definitely to them the way of God’s words.cfpithoarrt-v:thoartarcaoqrt-v:caoqthoarnomi: tanghoar
ntêr cachángʔənteːr kacaŋvtwelcomepk
nteanʔəntḭanconjbecause of; reasonNgcốh cư át tốq coq cou ntean cư tông pi parlayh parnai ân te Yêxu Crit.Now I stay in jail because I preach the message from Jesus Christ.Includes more of the idea of builder (see Col 1:16).syncou teanpk dial.:contóngngê2spec:xua ngê ‘look for a motive’
nteatʔəntḭatvsclose-to; next-to; near to, e.g., low near groundLáh may ính dyeal cuteq ngcốh, cốh may dyeal, cou may cốh do ân nteat tumán tóng Elimelech.If you want to take that land, then take it, because you are the one closest in Elimelech’s lineage.cftumánpa pc dial.:mmán, tammán8.5.1.2Beside
ntihʔəntiːhprothere farther ahead; up stream; uphillFarther up than ntíh. cfntóhuh:ntíhtíhdh: tóh; def: ntíh9.2.3Pronouns
ntíhʔn'tihprothat-one; up there; there ahead; up stream; uphillsyncár racốhcár ratíhcfntohntrahntráhntúhngcốh1 2pc dial.:kếh; pa pk dial.:ki9.2.3Pronouns8.5.2Direction9.2.3.5Demonstrative pronouns
ntíqʔəntiʔnsleeping placesynpa15.7Sleep
ntíq tabưʔəntiʔ tabɯːnfrom 9 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.; to wake after short sleep
ntíq taleingʔəntiʔ talḭːŋnabout l a.m. to 3:30 a.m.Tốq ntíq taleing idau cư lâyq hôi bíq nnáng.When it was between one and three thirty a.m., I couldn’t sleep any longer.
ntiaʔəntiənleftover food; scrapsTou hôi cha ntia ntia ma lâyq hôi cheam tammoi.One can eat left-overs but not good feed guests.cfanưannưa5.2.2Eat
ntohʔəntɔːhprothatFurther back than ntóh. cfntíhdh: ntóh; rt: tíhntóhuh:ntíh9.2.3Pronouns
ntoiqʔəntɔːjʔnlegend--history from past to presentNưm ikếh ixáng ntoiq Pacóuh, chom lư chom cáh, anâh ahân.Only like that one listens to a Pacoh legend, don't know if true or not, ancient.cfnxoarpa dial.:mmon
ntouhʔəntṵːhvifall to the ground; dropCốh ntouh pantour te rbang.Then the stars fell from the sky.Viêt cư ntouh.My pen fell.Subject or object can be semantic patient.syntráh1trơahcaus:pitrơah; sit:trơah uih chéhcfatouhdứmcaus:pandứm7.
ntouh pítʔən.tṵːh pitvfall-losesyntardyâq
ntouh rlưqʔən.tṵːh ʔər.lɯːʔvifall-downMát pantour ntóuh rlưq.Stars fell down.
ntouh tuaʔən.tṵːh tuəvptree top fallingsyndandouh