Pacoh - English


námnamconjifNám peday chou axuôi cốh peday pân may.If we return ahead, then we will wait for you.Irrealis, condition not yet happened.synláh29.2.5.2Clause conjunctions9.6.2.8Condition
nápnapadvpay attention toAcay cư papi alứng achai ma achai lâyq náp (cou do két).My child spoke with you but you didn’t pay attention (because he is little).
náqnaʔclperson; individual; classifier for peopleMâh náq ma tông icốh.Each one speaks like that.Ihôm nnáng lla lla, náq llong, llong kếh.They saw only whatever, one tree, that tree.Occasionally used to signify only one, even if a different class.cflám1
nárnarnsound of something moving; noiseAcâp táq nár.Don’t make a sound.
nâhnɤhdetthis; herepc; pa
nâl nâlnɤl nɤlexppowerfully
nângnɤŋvroast away from fire, don’t burncfângnomi:par–âng; recp:tar–âng; invol:ta–âng; rep:a–âng; nomi:ntângntâng2
nâyh nâyhnɤs nɤsexpof stiff arched backNannâyh pôc nâyh nâyh.Going with a stiff arched back.cftâyh nâyhspec:bíq tâyh nâyh
nâyh nnâyhnɤs ʔən.nɤsvgo play after telling others to do your work6.1.2.4Work poorly
nâyqnɤjʔquantall-over; everywhereParlayh parnai o te Yang Rbang lư tốq tốq cruông cannóh nâyq.The good news of God has truly arrived at countries all over.cfngéq limngéq vât
nchaqʔəɲcaːʔnstraw sleeping matNgcốh nchaq tarcoal dyê day doq lêp.Then mat and pillow already I had wrapped up.synalơqcheauqcl:pláh5.7Sleep
nchaqsleeping mat
nchaq paʔəɲcaːʔ paːnstraw sleeping mat
nchayʔəɲcajnhair louse1.6.1.7Insectpa; pk
nchángʔəɲcaŋadvevenCư mál hôm achai ncháng mâh chư.I’m looking forward to seeing him even just once.Achau xếq, ngcốh pôc babayh iên ibôn cha ncháng llám xeaq llám boaiq.Grandson is mature, now go fishing in order to be able to eat even one fish.Ncháng acâp cư pi abưih uchom.Even I must not tell lest he would know.cfadíh
ncháqʔəɲcaʔprepeven-though??; in spite ofIkếh ncháq ngai tóuh ngai tang ngai crang ngai doal.Like that in spite of that they strain they strain they carry they carry.cfanáqpc
ncheiʔəɲcḭːnhair lousecfntranhpc dial.:ntrânh; pl dial.:ntréinhntréinhpc dial.:ntrânh; pa dial.:ntranh1.6.1.7Insect
nchêngʔəɲceːŋnsteep river bank--can’t climb
ncheauqʔən.cḭawʔnstraw mat for sitting, sleepingpk
nchínhʔəɲciɲvchip; break edge of bowl
nchom chomʔəɲcɔm cɔmvsfalse-knowledge, pretended or presumedNgai tông nchom chom nghôi hôi lâyq vi tóng.The speak foolishly as if they have knowledge and ability.