Pacoh - English


ơ1ʔɤːexclexclamation of surprise; oh!Ơ aơ!Oh!
ơ2ʔɤːvof child begging for something
ơhadvyesÍnh khun ngan lan pa lâng avaih, chao?" § "Ơh ngki ki–ơn ke avốq."Do you want a happiness wish or not, grandson?" "Yes to that, thank you dear grandpa."
ơi1ʔɤːjvtlullaby baby
ơi2ʔɤːjvochey, hear, eh3. of attention
ơi3ʔɤːjn.kinolder brother4.1.9Kinshippk
ơiqʔɤːjʔexcl1for sure2uh-oh, used to express alarm, dismay, or realization of a difficulty.
ơnʔɤːnnfavor; benefit; kindness; grace; appreciationUsually felt but not said. good toVN
ơn ngaiqʔɤːn ŋaːjʔnfavorCáh hôi pât ơn ngaiq achai.It’s not okay to lose his/your favor.pc
ơn nhơqʔɤːn ɲɤːʔnfavor; benefit; kindness; grace; appreciationsynơn nhơt
ơn nhơtʔɤːn ɲɤːtnfavor; benefit; kindness; grace; appreciationsynơn nhơq
ơqʔɤːʔinterjyes; agreedcfca–ưqrecp:car–ưq
ơuqʔɤːwʔinterjcall “who’s there”