Pacoh - English


plốqploʔdial. var.blốqarriveviarriveTốq pôq pe poan kixay ki plốq Curốq.When went three or four months then arrived
plơ1plɤːvgo visit
plơ2plɤːvturn backpa
plơng tubóuqplɤːŋ tubṵʔvtbuy backsynprơng tubóuq
plơpplɤːpvappear in a rash
plơacplɯ̰akvpeel; strip5. shell, skin
pluihpluːsvfizzing up--liquor, cola or just pouring over side from being over filledsyncluih pluih tuvaq
plurpluːrntree for hoop of net
plutpluːtvspread to a person, e.g., smoke
plúc1pluknroll of something, e.g., clothes, etc.; classifier for book
plúc2plukvsgrey; faded or blurry tone; (eyes) poor eyesight--blurry8.3.3.3Color
plúhpluhnyellow jacket (wasp)
plúpplupexpof stepping in holePlúp, adyưng rlúq tốq hóng.Oops, foot fell down in a hole.synpluôp7.2.1.1Walk
plútplutvof escaping, running away, as straight through window or into tree
pluaqpluəʔngrey hair1.6.2Parts of an animal
pluônpluənvsenthusiastic, eager, excited--not aware of difficulties which might block path
pluôppluəpvof stepping into a hole or mud-holesynplúp7.2.1.1Walk
pluôtpluətvstick into fire wet so as to pull out feathers or hair easilycfhursit:o pít xóuc
plứcplɯknMountain Imperial pigeonDucula b. badia
plứmplɯmvsfatantoiq8.2.3.2Fat person
popɔːnroofing leaves of rattancfplángcl:lang; mat:ula talo
pohpɔːhexpsound of hitting wood2.3.2.2Sound
poipɔːjdial. var. ofpoui2