Pacoh - English


PhơangPhɤaŋunspec. var. ofPhương
Phươngunspec. var.PhơangnpropPhuong
pha1phaːvtscoop (water)pa
pha2phaːadvthroughNgai pôc pha na lang piday tro.They went through the grain field.
phacphaːknan animal disease--red boils in the stomach
phaiphaːjphaiqmustdial. var. ofcoq2
phaiqphaːjʔPronunc.Variant ofphaidial. var. ofcoq2must
phan hóngphaːn hɔŋvtcut hole throughsyntáq hóng tarclứh7.8.3Cut
phaoq mbatphaːwʔ ʔəmbaːtvpcheer; pleasure; joy; encourageApe yâu táq phaoq mbat lom cư.My friends cheered me up.
phaq1phaːʔnchisel6.6.3Working with wood
phat1phaːtvtpenalize; punishTáq tu kếh ngai phat a–aq.Make debt then they penalize a crow.VN
phat2phaːtvtdistributeÂn li ao xi ta ngngai phat vi ixứp idai.One wears clothes equal to their uniforms they distribute.VN
phárpharvclimb up without hesitation, e.g., going right up to house without waiting to be invited or recognized
phâlphɤlexpwhoosh, air going out of dying animal1.6Animal
phânphɤnnpartpa; pcVN
phân biêtphɤn biətvdiscriminateNcâp ngâh rpô ngcâp iphân biêt ân ngai dúng veil acou day pứq.Don’t divide, don’t discriminate others and community because I’m big.pc; paVN
phâpphɤpvarrive for a feast without having known about it7.
phâtphɤtvtrip a person
phâuphɤwnof goose bumps
pheiphḭːadvall-at-once--as flash flood, or many guests arriving suddenly

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