Pacoh - English


tahiêngtahiəŋadv.tspring season (February-April)But really based on crops, not weathercfnno8.4.1Period of time8.4Time8.4.1.1Calendar
tahoitahɔːj1expoozing; of sap oozing out of wood2vtcause to flow; drain
tahóungtahṵŋvttease girls; flirt with girls2.6.2.2Attract sexually
tahúngtahuŋvdiscussKi náq tahúng loi.Then discussed
tahuôrtahuərvkeep saying even though realize you are wrong
tahư tahatahɯː tahaːexpcertainly; surelyA–i a–ám peday tahư taha cáp amiêng acân.Our father and mother will certainly bite you soon.
tahươngtahɯəŋnbowlcftingancl:beng5.2.1.3Cooking utensil
taivs1talented; clever?2clever?Ki náq bôn, upôc loi tốq taryơng idứh, noi, "Ke, imo may hui tai, may hui pilốh ngai li mmo ntaq may o."Then had, one went further to forementioned squirrel, said, "Dear, however much you are skillful and clever, you are able to deceive others, however much your tongue is good."Vn?
taih nhaltaːs ɲaːlvirefuseDo ôi taih nhal, utông lâyq bôn amâh.He refused, he said he didn’t have any (or could also have said, “I don’t want to give it to you”)Used in reference to someone’s refusal.
takeptakɛːpadvpinched between two objectscfkep
takéoqtakɛwʔvttie to loop around neck, as to fasten bell to loop7.5.4Tie
takihtakiːhpoet. var.kihninenumnine; 9Dyê chóh, dyê xu át, dyê át, tốq mmán chro dom pơ kixay takih.After planting, after house building, after staying, rice is nearly ripe, the ninth month. numberspa
takhottakhɔːtvtagree; promise; enter contractNdóung mâh parlayh doq takhot cốh lâyq nnau xút kiên táh vit.When an agreement is made, no one has authority to break it.
taltaːlvt1chop underbrushTal piday.Clear a field.7.8.3Cut6.2.2.1Clear a field6.6.3Working with wood2clear
tal haltaːl haːlexpof having nothing; destitute
talaihtalaːsvunhook from place where stuck; solve; resolvesynclaihcfclaih
talaotalaːwnbasin; large expensive bowl5.2.1.3Cooking utensil
taláh1talahvt2forgiveYêxu Crit taláh táh ngéq thét loaih ng-he.Jesus Christ released/forgave all our sins.Xeq taláh ân thét loaih ahe.Please forgive sins to/for us.
taláh2talahvtrelease, loose, set freeTaláh ntruôi.Release chicken.E.g., a chicken. free4.7.7.6Pardon, release
taláttalatvcastratedVi do ân talát te ntôp carnean.There are some castrated from birth.