yang avengjaːŋ ʔawɛːŋnsacrifice for skillE.g., for hunting, trapping, etc.
yang cơt nhônjaːŋ kɤːt ɲoːnnspirit of personal habits (if it is good one can be dirty, but not sick; if it is bad you get sick for being dirty)4.9.2Supernatural being
yaojaːwvtinstructNưm a–i kếh chom pi, kếh iyao mu acay idứh pôc vayh.So only the mother knew how to talk, so to instruct the children to go look for stuff.cfryao3.6Teach3.3.3.2Advisepa; pcVN
yaqjaːʔn1extended family clan in longhouse, relatives; family namecftardáhcl:lám (tarcong); spec:dúng tardáh4.1.9Kinship2clan taboo; totem taboo
yayaqjajaːʔnexposeAcâp yayaq abưih uhôm.Don’t expose lest it see you.synvai vít