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pampuypəmpujexpof buffalo fighting fiercely against the ring and rope from nose when first tied or of buffalo fighting each otherTiriaq carxau pampuy.Buffalo struggle fiercely.
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nốh ngâh paxoulnoh ŋɤh pasṵːlnrelationships for address and referenceSee chart in Part One 6.2.3 Terms of Address.; It isn’t good to use may ‘you’ when addressing a person for the first time in an exchange. One should use the person’s name or kin relationship (real or extended). The same is true of reference--don’t use do ‘he/she’ the first time.
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truq2truːʔnfourteenth-night; full moonMiddle of month if start from ntôm_tacoi ‘first of month’.synnhil nhawhole:kixaytarcoal2spec:idau tarcoal; whole:kixay; cpart:ntôm tacoi, nhil nha8.4Time8.4.1.1Calendar
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thư barthɯː baːradv.tMonday; secondDays of week can be cited this way, but the traditional method counted ten days forward (parnô, parra, parre…) and ten days back (inô, ntra, ntre…). ; Also, first, second, etc., traditionally used a-, e.g., amôi, abar, etc.8.4.1Period of time8. of the weekpaVN
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parcounhpər.kṵːɲn.kinfather nameConh Hiên.Father of Hiên.Referring to a father with first child’s name.; Boy’s names start with Cu in these areas, but with A in the par–ám areas.cfanốhrt: nốhicounhpa pk dial.:a–ám9.7Name4.1.9Kinship
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parcánpər.kann.kinmother nameCán Hiên.Mother of Hiên.Calling mother by name of first child.; Teenage girls may be nicknamed with Cán, but it is followed by a rhyming word rather than a child’s name, e.g., Cán_Pêq_hưt_khưt (see R.Watson 1969a)cfparróuqcpart:parcáq9.7Name4.1.9Kinship
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âh1ʔɤhproforementioned; anaphoric pronoun ‘our’Kếh ixear táq âh bar lám ngcán ân kéiq culay priêng.Then they went down and fought the forementioned two women that picked fruit.Acay âh icounh tuyê ngcốh ân a–ay.The forementioned children’s monster father was sick.Imoq âh ldup lkhoung lâyq yốh hôi bôn ticu.His forementioned sister was flat on her back and couldn’t sit up.Nhóung icounh két âh táq tangcóng icóung, o lư tanh.Look at our little man acting like a married man, weaving so nicely.Tư chou tốq tíh te nen cán ape Arứm íh âh ape Cavaq.From returning there from land of Arưm women, they are not the forementioned of Cavaq.Ngai cúm adyưng anha cloi ati âh dáng xic.They clamped feet and tied hands of forementioned with chains.Do pôc lâng, xua ixai âh Ximôn.He went immediately to find his forementioned brother, Simon.Vi mâh náq nốh âh Dyon.There was one, name of forementioned, John.Cốh campay do âh Êli-xabêt át caréiq.Then his forementioned wife, Elizabeth, was hiding.This âh occurs at the end of a noun phrase. In the first example below, it appears that âh is the head of a noun phrase, or is a noun phrase followed by an appositional noun phrase. (Meaning not clear.)cfamâh2anhâhcl:náqapâhcl:náqdâh2idứh 19.2.3Pronouns
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DUP.Ca1Canum.pfxcollective; all inclusivePape ngcốh dye cha.All three of those have already eaten.This prefix reduplicates the first C (consonant) of a one-syllable number and adds the concept of ‘all of’ to the number. (The quantifier ca ‘all’ is used for this function preceding two-syllable numbers.)cfca= 1
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ngâh4ŋɤhpro1unspecified subject (UNS), may indicate anyone or everyone in general, or someone the speaker doesn’t know or doesn’t want to nameMa ân idoq táq thét ma lâyq ngâh iyư.But what UNS had done wrong UNS didn’t remember.Carna ngâh tumóung.The way one lives.Ngâh is usually replaced by clitic i= before one syllable verbs, as in the first example. Can be used in a clause modifying a noun where English would use a ‘to’ or ‘for’ purpose clause:; Ngâh precedes a one-syllable verb when an adverbial occurs between it and the verb, as in the example below.9.2.3Pronouns22nd person in commands and wishesA–i dơi bâl boup tông achưng acư, ngâh iyư tốq nô ra!Mother kept instructing me, (you) remember in the future.Ngâh cachan hoc hanh o hôi uráq u–ar.(You) eagerly study so capable of writing.A name or 2nd person pronoun is rarely used in a command.
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DUP.CVN-CəNv.pfxrepetitive, general, habitual actionHe pôc papéinh nno tang-hiêng nno ngai chanchóng.We went hunting in the summer the season when they burn.This prefix generally reduplicates the first C (consonant) and V (vowel) or CC and V of a one-syllable verb. In some cases, the prefixed vowel is different from the main syllable vowel, e.g., xot reduplicates as xixot, probably because /s/ has a palatal quality that favors /i/. Other cases are probably due to various histories. The N (nasal) in reduplications such as tantéich ‘selling’ and chanchơng ‘buying’ may also be buried in history for an etymologist to unearth.; This prefix occurs on active verbs rather than stative verbs.; Previously labeled Ra-.cfchichatatáqrt-v:táq
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prang1praːŋvsclear--of sight; brightDyê yiêh cốh hôm lư prang.After healing he saw very clearly.Tốq xeng prang ntruôi ticár dâu ngki ki….When early the rooster’s first crow, then….
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rbotʔər.bɔːtadvpliableLike rattan soaked first.; Like a teachable person.synlbot
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par–ámpər.ʔamnfather-nameReferring to a father with first child’s name.9.7Name4.1.9Kinshippa
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par–i2pər.ʔiːnmother-nameReferring to a mother with first child’s name.9.7Name4.1.9Kinshippa
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tarpíh píhtər.pih pihvitaking away; fighting each other over something, e.g., things or positions; competingNgéq cantóuh akeaih idứh tarpíh píh xâr.All nine were fighting to be first to climb.Âp lư ngai tartáq ngai tarveng, tarpíh píh ính táq xaxai.They fought each other a lot, taking away from each other in order to become chief.syntarpíh tarpour4.8.2Fight
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aviʔawiːverbprtnot happen; not at allLáh may axuôi, day avaih cha avi.If you arrive first, I won't eat (you) at all.Tốq mo vi day toiq, bưih avi ngai dyôn aday.Where can I steal, no way will anyone give to me.Only used in negative; pc
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tôngtoːŋvt2sayBabor tông ado a–aq, tông, “May tran day anhuôi, au.”Babor bird said to crow, said, “You paint me first, okay.”Cốh ape tông ado Achít, “May mout tapun acho.”So they said to No.10, “You go in after dog.”Any speech following tông is direct speech.cfpiredup:papi papoi; caus:papi; nomi:parpi; recp:tarpi; invol:tapitacang1rt-n:cang; recp:tarcangtammông 13.5.1Say
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chéh2cɛhviburnLli ngkếh kếh uih avai axuôi, llong lleng, ngéq cuteac ma ngéq chéh.That flood followed fire first, all vegetation of all the earth burned.5.5.4Burnpc
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idếhʔidehvslike thatIdếh kếh dơi yo ndo campay tôm.Like-that?? so it’s still because it belongs to the first wife.Kếh ngai pour chưm adâh llong ngkếh, a–úh idếh.So they helped provide for that tree, a derelict like that.pc
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tua1tuənlastDo pi parnai te tôm tốq tua.He told the matter from the beginning to the end.Inô ntra do ân campay tôm pứq, campay tua két.In the past the first wife was chief, the last wife was small.Fig. of wives8., also
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abarʔabaːrcardnumsecondCốh do ân abar dyeal campay amoui cốh ma do cốh cucheit tưi.So the second (brother) took the wife of the first, but he died too. numbers
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cadângkadɤŋvtholdNgai tâc tốq yang ngai a–eq itun cadâng acay két aham axiêt.They sacrifice to spirit, taboo to follow holding a bloody small child.Campay tôm pứq, cư cadâng campay tua két.The first wife is provided for well, but I provide little for the last wife.pc
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díh1dih1conjandDo nhiêm díh tông, “….”He cried and said, “….”2quantplus; moreHe dông asuôi liêh máh práq ngki, alứng dông díh práq ính tớiq chơng liêh crpng tanna tưi.We brought first again all that money, with brought more money to buy food again
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chuôtcuətvmcaught on thorn, etc.; stuck by nail or something sharp; caught in trap; spring a trapAbíl chuôt xing.The mouse caught in the trap.Cư doq pi axuôi ado ipe abưih ipe chuôt cang parnai ngai.I told you ahead lest you be caught/trapped by their speech.Khoiq chuaq llám ayoun.One rabbit is already caught.Ayoun chuôt callo ngai, ma lâyq cray.A rabbit sprung someone’s trap but not caught.Also by words/speech.; It appears to me that first example is active while the second appears to be middle voice.6.4.2Trap
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