Search results for "púh"

tính3tiɲvhit hard something lying across stone, etc.Ngai heq ngai tec ao moui púh tinh anha bar ngcốh.They tore clothes and beat those two.cftarnínhtênsit: tên along7.7.1Hit
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dông2doːŋvtcare for; behave towardCounh a–o dông cán; cán a–o dông counh.Men take good care of women; women take good care of men.Lâyq o ngai dông arâq ngai nhóung lâyq bôn carpéh.They treat badly as though they see you as not having worth.Do hôm lâyq o ngai dông ngai yéng, ngai púh ngai peng.He saw they mistreated them, beating them.syndôi xứq
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bâcbɤkpierced?Púh te cuteac xông idau xông ingay bar culám tadi picon pâyq bâc.Hit from the ground five nights five days two hundred fifty enemies chopped pierced??.
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láh2lahconjifLáh lâyq vi maiq cư ndóung cốh cốh ngai bôn dyê púh may.If I had not been present then, they would have hit you.Realis, of condition already met.synnám9.2.5.2Clause conjunctions9.6.2.8Condition
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púnpunvtrobDo tumúh toup ân pún; apâh loaiq ngéq cún ao anha doq púh tính.He met robbers; they stripped off all his clothes and beat him.
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lalouilalṵːjnbehind; past time (within last three years)Laloui nnéh cư diêiq túh át tu, ngai púh, ngai peng, lâyq bôn chicha lilôn.Before this I suffered staying in prison, they beat, they beat, didn’t get to eat swallow.Cốh Mari rngêq tốq laloui, cốh hôm Yêxu.Then Mary turned her head to behind, then she saw Jesus.synlám laloui loui
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ngcrêngvsstubbornLáh iteng cloi iteng pachúng nnau ân táq ngcrêng, ipe púh ipe o lư dyê.
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eirḭːrvbear, take it without resistance, e.g., child holds head still for haircut; not retaliate for evil spoken, etc.Do cốh lư béinh eir.He is very patient/long suffering.Vi do ân púh cư ma lâyq cư tông aliêh ado, lâyq cư táq aliêh ado.There was one who beat me, but I didn’t talk back to him, didn’t do back to him.
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dếq1deʔvt1stepKiteing canteing, dếq yep!Tighten your belt and step into your sandals!7.1.9Move a part of the body2stomp; stampDo nhóung ngéq ucha, ulôn cốh púh do cốh, dếq pangốh ngéq xéich ân ulôn cốh ngéq ngốh.He saw he ate it all and swallowed it, so he hit him and stamped out all the meat he had swallowed so it all came out.3defeatDếq_plô. ‘stomp head’ is figurative for defeating.Ndóung mo cư bôn dếq ngéq do ân a–ính pi–ốh amay.Whenever I get to defeat all those who hate you.
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ma1maːconj1butAcho kếh a–ám, kếh ma acho idứh cáh chom, ma tốq mo pôc vayh ma vi acho tun, pôc parui mu acay ngai, tốq mo pôc vayh vi acho tun.The dog was father, but that dog didn’t know how, but wherever they went to look, (but) there the dog followed, went leading their children, wherever they went searching, there was the. dog following.Two parts of a contrary clause will be marked with ma where English would use ‘and’ for the second one.; Apparently interchangeable with cốh_ma. 2contrarilyApe ân chou na daq, ape plóng tangcoi toan acưr tarle cốh ma xáq xi ma tông, “Peday ính cáp ính cha.” § Along ale kire ntâng ma tông, “Peday ính púh ính tính, lư lâyq chom imo?”Those who returned by the water played horns and beat drums and cymbals, but the demons contrarily said, "We want to bite & eat them." The trees, bamboo, rattan and other vines said, "We want to hit and beat them--don't know why?"3and-negativeNdóung rnôq mương he, puôq ma lư atóuq.During field clearing (burning season) in our region, it's sunny and very hot (ma 'and-negative')
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