Search results for "kếh"

tallêngtəl.leːŋv??Kếh ngai nhiêm ngai aroi tốq dúng abóh kếh ngai nhiêm ngai aroi ngai tallêng ngai alang.Then they cry they sing to house and kitchen (family?); then they cry they sing they ??, they miss/remember.
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apốqʔapoʔnossuary for bones in mausoleumApốq he panốh ngkếh hôm ân cakét ngkếh ngâh cacháq tốq kếh, nghang kếh ngâh arôq tốq ping doq tốq ping, ngkếh xiaq.We call it ‘ossuary’, find a small one to put in there, bones to take up to mausoleum, then dance.
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pannáhpən.nahnghost; spirit that “eats” peopleIdau kếh nám cumour lalâu ipôc cloun, ma vi lalâu ân pannáh, kếh plô âh pât cháq âh yôl, anáq ngkếh ma vi.That night if boy and girl go court, but the boy is a ghost, then loses his head but his body remains, even that exists.
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sɯːvt1test; tasteKếh ixu cha, cha xư damo ân iboul, damo ân bưih, damo ân atáng cáh ngai cha, damo ân bưih atáng kếh cha.So one tastes, tastes whichever makes drunk/delirious, whichever doesn’t, whichever is bitter and inedible, whichever is not bitter so eaten.synxu2 15.2.2Eat2judgesynpachein 1sit:pachein o chein; pk dial.:pachen tu, pachen parnaiVN
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ma1maːconj1butAcho kếh a–ám, kếh ma acho idứh cáh chom, ma tốq mo pôc vayh ma vi acho tun, pôc parui mu acay ngai, tốq mo pôc vayh vi acho tun.The dog was father, but that dog didn’t know how, but wherever they went to look, (but) there the dog followed, went leading their children, wherever they went searching, there was the. dog following.Two parts of a contrary clause will be marked with ma where English would use ‘and’ for the second one.; Apparently interchangeable with cốh_ma. 2contrarilyApe ân chou na daq, ape plóng tangcoi toan acưr tarle cốh ma xáq xi ma tông, “Peday ính cáp ính cha.” § Along ale kire ntâng ma tông, “Peday ính púh ính tính, lư lâyq chom imo?”Those who returned by the water played horns and beat drums and cymbals, but the demons contrarily said, "We want to bite & eat them." The trees, bamboo, rattan and other vines said, "We want to hit and beat them--don't know why?"3and-negativeNdóung rnôq mương he, puôq ma lư atóuq.During field clearing (burning season) in our region, it's sunny and very hot (ma 'and-negative')
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axâq2ʔasɤʔexclactually??Axâq, nám imout ticu dáng atiêih cốh layh pallô.Damn, if one enters and sits on the ramp then the deadfall will fire.Axâq ma ipe ính o cucheit dyê Achít.Damn, you want No.10 dead.Do kếh hôi ngai parrouih, parrouih axâq cáh vi lư inô ntra kếh ikếh ngai tông parrouih a axâq ính thét, thét a–i át thét pár–át a–i íh vi parrouih amâh.Lewd word when not used as exclamation?pc
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parrouihpər.rṵːsnfornication; adultery; any kind of sexual sinDo kếh hôi ngai parrouih. Parrouih axâq cáh vi lư inô ntra kếh ikếh ngai tông parrouih a axâq ín thét, thét a–i át thét par–át a–i íh vi parrouih amâh.They can fornicate. There wasn’t adultery in the past so like that they said adultery is wrong, wrong for mother to stay, wrong to stay together with mother. There wasn’t any fornication. (meaning is unclear).cflâyq pheptapiêngsit:tapiêng campay/cayâq; sit:tapiêng talưi; recp:tarpiêngtarríheuph:lâyq phep; sit:acay tarríh ‘illegitimate child’
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cár rakếhkar rakehsp. var.cár ra kếhlike thatadvlike that; such asVi ngai dóng, vi ipe cár akếh yúp dơ a–i ama alep a–em.There were those who gave, there were you such as who helped mother, aunt, sister-in-law and me (or little sibling).pc
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alang3ʔalaːŋvsmelodiousTốq cư xáng kếh alang lư.When I heard it, it was very melodious. of sounds
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tarbôntər.boːnvimarryPôc kếh tarbôn, amiêng amoq tarbôn.Go so marry, older brothers and older sisters marry.
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tatângtatɤŋadvupward; ascendingTư mương he tatâng, kếh tán.From our region upward, so observe taboo.cfpitứngpc
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ti2tiːprepat; place, directionNgéq ngai ân át ti veil nnéh nong nong pôc tốq piday.All those that live at this village always go to fields.Ngéq pecon át mbóuq ti kếh.All the enemy stays together there.cfdáng18.5Location9.5.1.6Spatial location of an event9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions
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aláhʔalahconjif; hypothetical condition; in case ofAláh ân vi kếh bưih a–eq.If it existed then it wouldn’t be taboo.Alternate of láh or o_láh.
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kéihkḭhvtsharpenVi acóuq kếh ngai kéih tốq titar.They had bushknives so they sharpened on rocks.syncơih8.3.2.3Sharp
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phat1phaːtvtpenalize; punishTáq tu kếh ngai phat a–aq.Make debt then they penalize a crow.VN
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náqnaʔclperson; individual; classifier for peopleMâh náq ma tông icốh.Each one speaks like that.Ihôm nnáng lla lla, náq llong, llong kếh.They saw only whatever, one tree, that tree.Occasionally used to signify only one, even if a different class.cflám1
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ndéinhʔəndḭɲadvvoluntarily(?) Tư kếh hon ndéinh llong, vaih ndéinh llong.From then vegetation grew voluntarily(?), appeared voluntarily(?).
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nen1nɛːnnland, in contrast to streams, etc.Tốq xoq tốq nen kếh yông lư adơi.To streams to land, thus very far.Ipôc doq tóung ti tannoul ti nâh, plô tiriaq ti nâh, plô alíc ti nen tannoul ping.They go leave tied at the pole here, buffalo head here, pig heads at land of cemetery pole.
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aniêngʔaniəŋprepon top ofKếh alêng camoar he panốh aniêng tíh cuteac ngkếh.So we named that soil up there aleng_camoar. 9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions
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chaiqcaːjʔvi1spark; Damo ân vi chaiq kếh hôi anha avaih uih.Whatever burned they were able to make fire.2burnVN
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rpôʔər.poːvtdivideHe Pacóuh rpô yaq kếh ikếh dơi amiêng amoq.We Pacoh divide clans so like that are still brothers and sisters.cfmpô6.8.3Share wealth7.4.4Distribute7.8Divide into pieces
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lâyq yốh1lɤjʔ johnegnot yet; yet?Kếh ape Arứm íh âh yốh Cavaq, thét carna ipôc.So they are of Arum, not yet Cavaq; you’ve gone the wrong way.Only used in the negative. When occurring finally as a question word, it assumes the alternative proposition, X or not yet X?syniyốhpa dial.: adyốhcfbưih yốh
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pihóngnkind of animalláh vi do doq lúh pihóng kếh daq tapun tưi If he does allow the phong to run away, then water follows too.
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rlóuqvdestroyedKếh do tông o ơiq, § dúng xu ma ngéq rlóuq.‎Then he said clearly, "House and huts were completely destroyed (rlóup or rlóuc or rlóuh?)
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achongʔacɔːŋnentire region of river valleyNgéq achong he Pacóuh kếh ngéq o, achong mương ngkếh nnhoup.All of our Pacoh region are all good, but (those of) the region of that province are bad.
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