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tingôitiŋoːjprepuntilTingôi Nang Tangức tông, tông, “Láh ngai, ngai cop dáng xoi, cốh ma ngai ngcốh cốh cop dáng adyưng.”Eventually, NT spoke, said, “If others, they catch by tail, but others catch by the legs.”Translated ‘eventually’ in example below, but may be wrong punctuation., postpositions
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tứt ngứctɯt ŋɯkexpof hardnessNốh do lah Nang Tangức “tangức leng tứt ngức lâyq châm nnau lóuc” arâq leng itayh along tốq cuteq.Her name is Nang_Tangứctangức is really hard--no one can pull her down, like the hardness of hammering a tree on the ground.
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patílpatilvt2add; increase; to do or have in addition toLáh nnau tông patíl callong amâh tốq uráq nnéh cốh Yang Rbang patíl ado do cốh ngéq a–ay tarma.If anyone adds anything to this writing, God will add to him sickness, etc.Mai dông patíl aca néh tưi.You take in addition all of this too.syntalưisit:tông talưicfcatouppitíl
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PraonpropPraocampay Yôun anha Prao láh chom vi gia-dinh anha bar ngki dyê te công hoa át inô ntra dyê,wives of Youn and Prao if knew had family and those two from VN lived in the past already.
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anhúq1ʔaɲuʔvtbear, suffer; endureNám táq lâyq phep cốh ma anhúq pếq acay, cốh nnau canhin moui láh a–eq ado dúng xu cruông cuteac.If act immoral so suffer pregnancy, so they must repent and it’s a sin against the community and region.Campay tông, “Amouih adâh Achít your cucheit, amouih ma imo hôi itáq, anhuq cucheit íh vi i–ính.”His wife said, “Pity for Achít dying, pity, but what can one do, suffer death though not wanted.”Cư dông parlai nnéh chom nám anhúq prứp cốh i–ính.I brought this medicine, not knowing if I might suffer a fall and so need it.Anhúq bo acân, achai dông ao bo.Will suffer rain later, so bring your raincoat.Acân anhúq idau, achai mout tốq dúng cư.If you suffer nightfall, come into my house.Bưih yốh anhúq cucheit.Not yet suffered death.Ki mang anhuq cucheit.Destiny to suffer death.Adversative but not passive. Cannot take a clause as complement as VN bị can?; Only in adversative cases of trường_hợp. cfbiqcholpl dial.:choul
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ngéqŋɛʔ1quantallBut often not ‘all’--expected exaggeration.antâqcaus: pa–âq; rep: a–âq; recp: tar–âq8.1.5All2advmostLáh lâyq ngéq cláh cốh nháng bôn pưt lư ma ngéq cláh cốh nưm ibôn mâh tileit alứng achéiq ân papưt alứng ân cakét.If not most escaped, then we got a lot, but if most escaped then we only had a basket with big birds and little birds. 3advend, finishHê–rôt cacheit o ngéq ngéq acay counh.Herod killed completely all baby boys., finish9.3.2Completely4advcompletely5adv
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peit1pḭːtn1wax of small stingless bee used to caulk mouthpiece of khên, etc.cfcarrotcl:lám; sound:véocupeitkiyiêlcl:lámpipeittarrang22beeswax personifiedDyơ ngcốh apơng kho, tông , “Kho ke peit bưih nnáng cư kitat may, may át ta–ơi, may át ơi cư te idứh, cốh cư kitat may, aláh bưih, láh bưih may."After that bear besought, said, "Beseech dear beeswax, I won't any longer chew you, you stay ??, you stay ?? I from before, then I chewed you, if not, if not you."
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achơ ngơuqʔacɤː ŋɤːwʔvsstupid; ignorant, dull-witted, mentally retardedA–i a–ám yoa ipôc hoc cốh phai pôc hoc, acâp ngâh iyư lám ính cloun, tốq dyê xéiq nô ra ma lâyq bôn chom uráq u–ar cốh ngai tông do cốh láh achơ ngơuq....Ipe a–em iyư inô ntra ân lâyq ichom uráq u–ar cốh damo damo ma ính padâm ính pilốh he, tông he achơ, cốh ma íh lư achơ ma cou lâyq bôn nnau pahoc cốh vaih lâyq ichom.Parents send you to go study, so must go study, don't only think about wanting to play--when grown up in the future if don't know writing then people will say, "He is stupid."...Younger brothers, remember the past when we didn't know writing so everyone wanted to oppress wanted to deceive us, said we were stupid, but we weren't really stupid, but because there was no one to teach resulting in our not knowing.cfachơcaus:pichơ
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