Search results for "láng"

tarleptər.lɛːpn.kinfemale-cousin; spouseLâyq iplốh, “Tốq mo cayâq may,” lâng “Tốq mo campay may,” ma plốh, “Tốq mo tarlep may?”One doesn’t ask, “Where is your husband, or where is your wife?” but “Where is your cousin?”Polite to ask, where is your tarlep rather than ‘husband’ or ‘wife’
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a–uqʔaʔuːʔexpsound of wind or person wailingKicâr câr vi carxang te rbang a–ây xeang pru lư yứng a–uq pânh lâng hóng dúng.Surprised because of a sound from the sky like wind really wailing filling the house.A–uq unhiêm.She was wailing. of sounds
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pandứmpan.dɯmvtknock-overNgâh pandứm bâq mâh chít náq ipúh mâh chư dyoun o mbếq acáq yáng lâng, dyoun ngéq mpơi yáng.Knock it over, ten of you hit at once so the jar will break immediately and fall apart.
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pixôt pixapisoːt pisaːexpnear and farChâq alứng day ki alứng Nang Ta-Ngức pôc tal lư anhâq tal pixôt pixa ngki, tal lang trôh di ngki.Let's we me and with Nang T. go clear, really we clear near and far there, clear that field.
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rliuqʔər.lḭːwʔventer directlyDyê rliuq anha mout tốq achoiq cáq ngcốh, cốh chou dông cheam bán lư in achau lom, lư láng lư amouih.When entering and enter into grandmother’s basket their, then carried home and raised him like her own liver, really loved.
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layhlasv1fire, trigger a trapTáq callo a–ât mout ma lâyq utêq táh catét, lâng ngâh paxui abayh boaiq cha parrán côh ma abayh lâyq layh.Make a trap an animal enters but doesn’t fire, or set a hook for fish to take bait but the hook doesn’t hook. (Idea: Trigger a gun but no explosion -- is called, “it didn’t fire.”)Cư lâyq layh pi.I didn’t say.cfparlayh 22speak
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roaqrṵaʔvtfence or contract breakingDo roaq parnai, arâq nnéh carrong ma carróq roaq cou ính mout cha. Lâng ticuôi ma roaq parnai--lâyq tun parnai ngai.Like cattle breaking down a fence to get into pasture, or person breaking agreement to get something better.synndơam
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hip tahuôphiːp tahuəpviglutton, eats whatever given; takes whatever givenDyê clóuh bâq pôc manh do ân man, cốh pôc xua tumúh mâh náq hip tahuôp tông, “May mun taman lâng hip tahuôp?”Already pounded then borrowed one who molds, so goes looking and finds a glutton and asks, “Are you a molder or a glutton?”
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talêngtaleːŋconjprovided that; as long as(Arâq vi do ân ính acay cư ma acay ngcốh nnhoup anha tarxín, cốh cư tông,) Cư lâyq dyeal tiên práq cốh ma, talêng lư inha a–o tardông a–o rmouih. (lâng: Talêng lư cana ính cốh cư lâyq xeq tiên práq.)(Like someone wants my daughter but that daughter is ugly and lazy, so I tell him,) At your own risk friend that you two take care of each other and love each other. (Or: If you dare friend. that it’s your desire so I won’t take money.)Íh arâq may tông, talêng may doq tông nôra, may acâp nam may tông au!It’s not like you say, if you dare promise in the future, don’t promise carelessly!
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