tangayta.ŋajday, in certain expressionsTra tangay cư át pân acay.All day long I was waiting for the child., today, tomorrow
parnô parra
parnô parrapər.noː pər.raːfuture; several days latersynnô rapa dial.: nura8., today, tomorrow
ntreʔəntrɛːtwo-days-before-yesterdaysyningay ntrecfinôntra8.4.1Period of time8., today, tomorrow1.1.1Sun
ntraʔəntraːday before yesterdayInô ntra.The other day, sometime in the past.cfingay ntrentre8.4Time8., today, tomorrow
ingay nnéh
ingay nnéhʔiŋaj ʔən.nɛhtodaysyningay cốh8.4.1Period of time8., today, tomorrow1.1.1Sun
ingay ntra
ingay ntraʔiŋaj ʔəntraːday before yesterday8.4.1Period of time8., today, tomorrow1.1.1Sun
ingay ntre
ingay ntreʔiŋaj ʔəntrɛːtwo days before yesterdaysynntrecfinôntra8.4.1Period of time8., today, tomorrow1.1.1Sun
ingay parra
ingay parraʔiŋaj pər.raːday after tomorrow8.4.1Period of time8., today, tomorrow1.1.1Sun
inô ntra
inô ntraʔinoː ʔəntraːtime past; the other day; formerlyPang inô ntra.A/the previous generation.cfanâh ahânlám loui8., today, tomorrow
ingayʔiŋaj1dayNgay when following tong ‘all’.; MK cognate with VNantidau 1cfayóung mátngay28.4.1Period of time8., today, tomorrow1.1.1Sun2day time§ Cốh babor lâyq dáh pôc ingay, lâyq dáh xua cha ingay, adáh a–aq cacheit. § So/then Bird did not dare go during day time, not dare seek eat during day time, feared crow would kill him., today, tomorrow3day