o ngéq

o ngéqʔɔː ŋɛʔadvthoroughly; completely9.3.2Completely


ngéqŋɛʔ1quantallBut often not ‘all’--expected exaggeration.antâqcaus: pa–âq; rep: a–âq; recp: tar–âq8.1.5All2advend, finishHê–rôt cacheit o ngéq ngéq acay counh.Herod killed completely all baby boys., finish9.3.2Completely

dyơ dyê

dyơ dyêʄɤː ʄeːvtalready finishedDo angô tốq dyơ dyê ngéq proaq tampáq ân do táq.He rested when already finished all the work that he did.8.4Time6., finish8.4.6.2Past8.4.5.2Before9.3.2Completely