PSL*baakfr. var.balakfind; meetbaakfind; meetYKNSWSCStabakfind somethingSSbaakdiscover; come acrossTsg
PSL*baaŋ1call to prayer (Islam)baaŋcall to prayerYKWSCSJMbaaŋstance before bowing in prayerTsg
PSL*baaŋ-baaŋfr. var.balaŋ-balaŋcookie as distinct from cake, donuts, etc.baaŋ-baaŋcookieYKNSWSSSJMbaaŋ-baaŋ ~baŋ-balaŋcookieCSbaŋbaŋcookie as distinct from cake, donuts, etc.Tsg
PSL*babakcause to separatebabakbreak apartYKbabakinterrupt a sequence of activitiesCS
PSL*babakanfish sp, saltwaterbabakanfish (unidentified)YKbabakanpuffer fish spCSbabakanporcupine fishTsg
PSL*babalwork metal in a forgebabalwork metal in forgeYKCSbabawork metal in forgeJM
PSL*babasfr. var.bəbbasdecrease in intensitybabasdie down, of a fireYKbabasfade; disappearWSbabasabate, of rainNSCSJMbabasdecrease in intensitySSbabasfade, of colorJMbəbbasgo down, of swellingCSbebesrain lightlyWSbabbaslate in arriving
PSL(*)babatlarge intestine or bellybabatlarge intestineWSSSbabatbellyNSCSJMbabatbellyTsg
PSB*babawnear surface; shallowbabawshallowABNSCSbabewshallowYKbabewlow, of tideJMbabewsurface, esp. of earth'CSJMbabawupper surface; shallowTsg
PSB*babaʔcarry a person on back; carry on hipbabaʔcarry on backABWSNSCSSSbabaʔcarry child on hip or in armsbabaʔ ~babacarry child on hip or in armsIBbabaʔsexual intercourseYKbabacarry a person on back; carry on hipTsgwahacarry a loadMao
PSL(*)babaʔancarrying handlebabaʔanhandle of basket or potCSbabaʔanstrap for tying bundle on backSS
PSB*babbalperson of limited intelligencebabbalmentally limited and unable to speak clearlyYKNSWSCSSSbabba ~bəbbamentally limited and unable to speak clearlyJMbabawspeech defectNBbabbalperson of limited intelligenceTsg
PSL*babuʔvocative for older woman; auntbabuʔaunt, older womanYKNSWSCSSSabuʔaunt, older womanJMəmbuʔvoc for senior female relativebabu~abuʔaunt; stepmotherTsgbabumaidMly
PSB*badan1basic part of something; the body of an animate beingbadanbasic part; bodyZBYKNSWSCSSSJMNBbadaŋbasic part; bodyIBbadanbodyMlyTsgbadan(at)bodyAra
PSL*badan2self; one's own personbadanone's own person; oneselfNSCSSSJMbadando in personTsg
PSB*badaŋ1fr. var.baraŋ1things; goods; chattelsbaaŋkan (< balaŋkan)things; anythingYKbadaŋchattel wealth in contrast to cashCSbadaŋmerchandise; personal belongingsWSJMbaraŋthingsNBsabadaŋall members of a setbadaŋmerchandiseTsgbarangthings; goods; commoditiesMly
PSB*badasstick; rodbadasrod or stickABspank with a light stick or broomrod or stickNSbadas-badaspoles for thatching or fencingNSCS
PSB*badbadunravelbadbaduntie; unrollABWSNSCSbadbad~bagbadpull threads from woven fabric; unravelYKbadbadunroll, unfurlTsgbadbaduntie; solve a problemCeb
PSB*badlisfr. var.gadlisline; garden rowbaglisstripeABgadlisfurrowYKbadlisgarden rowWSCSgudisscribe a linebadlisfinal plowing before plantingTsgbaglis ~badlisline marked in a surfaceCeb
badoround container with lidbadoround metal container with lidNSCS