PSB*-N-ligature between numbers and some nouns-N-pre-noun ligatureCSIBpilantahun (pila-N-tahun)how many years?təlluŋəllawthree daysCStəluŋəlauthree daysIB
PSB*naiʔlower leg, including the footnaʔilower leg incl. footZB.1naiʔlower leg incl. footCS.8naiʔ ~neiʔ ~naeʔlower leg incl. footSSnaiʔ ~nailower leg incl. footIBnaikclimb; rankMly
PSL*ñataʔvisible to human sightñataʔsee with one's own eyesNSWSCSJMpañataʔspirit of dead person emerged from graveYKNSCSnataʔappear in physical form, of spiritCSnyataʔsee for oneself, reveal oneselfTsgniyatafixed'; Pali ñata 'knownSkr
PSB*ñawasoul; life-principleniawalife-principle or essenceYKñawalife-principle or essenceNSWSCSJMNBIBiñawalife-principle or essenceSSməñawa ~mañawabreathebuaʔ ñawaheartpoñawa (poʔon ñawa)heartIB.8nyawalife; soulMlyTsg
PSL*ñawa-lihanspiritual component of a person which may leave body during sleepniawa lihanspirit of person, distinct from the physical bodyYKñawa lihanspirit of person, distinct from the physical bodyCSlihanchange residence; wandernyawalihanspiritual component of a person which may leave body during sleepTsg
PSB*naʔanyonder; distant from speaker and hearerinan ~anan ~naanyonder; there (distant)ABpanaʔananpresenceYKinaʔanyonderNSCSnaʔan ~inaʔanyonderSSnaʔayonderJMnaanthere it is (proximate)NBpənaancome hereNB