gaba ɡɑbɑ˧ ˧vwrestling, wrestlekokuwaɓa tyeɗo ta ma gaba mə ta gan tyeɗoh mot our masters wrestle and our master was wrestled down.masu gidan mu sun yi kokuwa sai aka ka da mai gidan mu.
gaɗaiɡɑɗɑi˨ ˧gaɗai˦ ˦na ruling clan of the Pyam tribe who hold the stool of the Pyam paramount chieftaincy, “the Sum Pyam”sunan zuriyar da suke sarautan Pyam.
gaɗeiɡɑɗɛi˨ ˨˦ ˦na specie of acha that has white grains when threshed.wani nau'in acca
gahaɡɑhɑ˨ ˨na hard wood tree that is mostly found around river banks.wanu irin itace
galɡɑl˨nspoil of root crop.sankaran gwaza, dankali, doya da makamantansu.
ganɡɑn˨v1to fell down so gan kon moGo and cut down that treeJe ka yanke itacen nan2knock down, wrestle downkayiɓa tyeɗo ta ma gaba mə ta gan tyeɗo mot our masters wrestle and our master was wrestled down. amasu gidan mu sun yi kokuwa sai aka ka da mai gidan mu.3defeat, overcome or to win someone.yi nasara.
gan-konɡɑnkon˨ ˦vto fail down a treeka da itace so gan konmo.go and fell that tree.
gangangɡɑŋɡɑŋ˨ ˨gangang˦ ˦nthe Pyam traditional drum, use for dancing and singing the longkat music.ganga Koos nang Babuwa ta yi jai gangang. my father inlaw Babuwa can play drum well.suriki na Babuwa ya iya kiɗin ganga sosai.
gangangthe Pyam traditional drum, use for dancing and singing the longkat music.
garɓwiɡɑrɓwi˦ ˦ɓagarɓwi˧ ˦ ˦n1cowrywurita hya taa repa aha na garbwi in those days people buy things with the cowry.2moneykuɗi ta hyaa ryepisi aha na garɓwi cowry were used in the past forbuying and selling.da ana sayo abu da wuri.
garhaniɡɑrhɑni˨ ˧ ˧ndeformity.nakasaAtu garhani ɗufor ka he has a deformity on the leg
gashkəriɡɑʃkɨɾi˨ ˧ ˧gashkəri˦ ˦ ˦na masquerade that carries whip during corn threshing in Pyam culture.dodo.ɓapyam ta ɗi tu gashkərək to mumwash hai. the Pyam people no longer have any masquarade.Pfyamawa basu da dodo kuma yanzu.
gəmərɡɨmɨr˨ ˧gəmər˧ ˦nlarge clay pot that is use as water pot, also for boiling and brewing beer. See yilaranda
gəmərlarge clay pot that is use as water pot, also for boiling and brewing beer. See yila
gəndərəngɡɨn̩dɨɾɨŋ˨ ˨ ˨npopularly written as Gindiri,the main town of the pyam people and their centre of commerce and seat of the highest Pyam chieftancy stool.Gindirithey now call gəndərəng now Gindiri.ana kiran gəndərəng a yanzu Gindiri.