
Word Category Abbreviations


Here is a list of all word category abbreviations in the dictionary, and what they mean:


adj adjective describes a noun and follows the connectors më, të ‘that, who’
adv adverb describes a verb
con connector joins clauses, phrases or sentences
dem demonstrative points to or shows which noun is talked about
exp expression a word that is a sentence by itself
n noun a person, animal, place, thing, or idea
n.per noun person a word used as a person noun noun plural a plural noun that has no singular form
n.pos noun possessed a noun that is always possessed noun singular a singular noun that has no plural form
num number tells how many of a noun there are
part particle a word that has a special use
prep preposition introduces a noun phrase that describes a previous action pronoun complete shows which person does a complete action
pron.dem pronoun demonstrative points to and takes the place of a noun
pron.hab pronoun habitual shows which person regularly does an action
pron.inf pronoun infinitive shows which person does an action after a previous action
pron.obj pronoun object takes the place of a noun that receives the action
pron.posiv pronoun possessive takes the place of a possessor and possessed noun
pron.pos pronoun possessor takes the place of a possessor noun
pron.prep pronoun prepositional takes the place of a noun introduced by a preposition
pron.refl pronoun reflexive shows that a noun does and receives the action
pron.res pronoun result shows which person does a resulting action
pron.sub pronoun subject takes the place of a noun that does the action
pron.sub.aft pronoun subject after verb takes the place of a noun after a verb that does the action
quan quantity describes the amount of a noun
ques question word asks a question
v verb an action that can be transitive (have an object) or intransitive (without an object) without a change in verb form intranstive verb a verb that does not have an object transitive verb a verb that can have an object
v.n verbal noun a verb that is used as a noun