rabanusna radish plant or rootRaphanus sativus (Linn.)
rābing 'alkuhul1nrubbing alcoholNagsūgu' 'ang miyugbūyung nga magbu'uy ning dāhun nang sambung kag pumabakay ning rābing 'alkuhul.The herbalist instructed [them] to get leaves of the sambung herb and let rubbing alcohol be bought.
radyuna radioWaya' ka pa diri nagapamati' 'aku sa radyu kay ginapamati'an ku 'ang balīta' tungud didtu sa bulkan nga naglupuk na.[When] you were not yet here, I was listening to the radio because I was listening to the news about the volcano which had already erupted.
rambutanna rambutan tree or fruitNephelium lappaceum (Linn.)The fruit is eaten as a snack food or dessert.
rangkuna position or rank in a job, an organizationsynpwistu
raskavSomething is grated by someone.cfkayūsan, kayūsunginaraskaGinaraska ku 'ang 'unud nang niyug kag 'umūpak ning bāwang kag sibūyas kag gisahun 'ang 'ūbud nang niyug.The coconut meat is grated by me, and [I] peel off some [pieces of] garlic and onions and the upper trunk coconut pith is sautéed.cfkāyus
rasunnthe reason for an event or situation'Indi' makīta' nang 'āyam 'ang rasun kung bāsi' hay daw may pinīli' 'ang 'iya 'āmu.The dog could not find the reason why it seemed that his master had favorites.vSomeone discusses or debates a particular subject with someone else.cfginadiskusyunannagarasunKung 'aku nagarasun, 'ang 'ākun būsis, hay daw hangit, pīru bukun 'aku hangit; tyad lang gida 'ina' kung 'aku nagahambay.When I discuss, as for my voice, it seems that [it is] angry, but I am not angry; that's just the way it is when I speak.cfdiskusyun
rasyunna food rationvSomeone gives a food ration to someone else.nagrasyun gave a food ration
ribultunthe image of Jesus, Mary, or one of the saintsGinaprusisyun 'ang ribultu ni Hisus nga nagapas'an ning krus.The image of Jesus carrying the cross is carried in procession.Images, either pictures or statues, are used by Roman Catholics and within that Church.cfpatrun nga santus2santus
rībunna prize ribbon, given to someone for superior scholastic or athletic achievementNang magsira na 'ang klāsi, 'aku hay nakabu'uy ning 'isa na rībun kag daku' gid na pasalāmat nang 'ākun manga magūyang.When the class closed, I was able to get one prize ribbon and it was really a great thanks of my parents.
rigāluna gift given someone on a special occasion'Ang bisyu naman 'ina' ninda, kung manga paskwa 'u Balintayn 'ina', ginataw'an 'aku ninda ning rigālu.As for what is done by them, each Christmas or Valentine's Day, I am given a gift by them.cfpasalūbung
rigatunīrana female fish vendor, a fishwife'Ang rigatunīra hay nagabaligya' ning 'isda' kāda 'adlaw.Female fish vendors sell fish every day.
riglana woman's menstrual period'Ang 'isa nga babāyi pag'inabut nang 'iya 'ūna nga rigla hay ginapalumpat sa hagdānan kag ginapapungku' sa tatlu ka bitlag nga sayug kag sa 'ikatlu nga halintang nang hagdānan pāra kunu hay tatlu lang ka 'adlaw 'ang 'iya rigla hay waya' na.As for a girl, when her first menstrual period arrives, she is caused jump down from the house steps and is caused to sit down on three split bamboo strips of the floor and on the third step of the house steps so that, it is said, her menstrual periods will be only three days [and] no more.cfdugu' vA woman is afflicted by menstruation.riglahun will be afflicted by menstruationcfdugu'
riklāmuna complaint or objection to somethingvSomeone complains about or objects to something.nagariklāmuNagariklāmu pa gāni' kay naga'inūyan pa 'ābi kunu.They were complaining because they said it was surely still raining.
rikumindasyunna recommendation about a particular matterHay ginapangita'an gid niya ning midyus na 'ang rikumindasyun nga 'ini hay ma'aprubahan nang 'iya kumiti.He is carefully looking for a way that this recommendation will be approved by his committee.
rilasyunnthe relationship between two or more people or thingsKung 'ang babāyi kag lyāki nagkasūgut na sinda, kag 'ang 'inda rilasyun bīlang magnubyu hay ma'āyu gid, gina'apura na 'ina' nang magūyang nang babāyi nga mamalāyi na 'ang tiglyaki.If the girl and boy are already engaged, and their relationship as a pair of lovers is very good, the relatives of the engaged boy will hold an initial wedding-planning session which will be expedited by those relatives of the bride.
rilihiyunna religionKadamū'an diri sa Rumblun 'ang nagapakasay sa simbāhan kung 'ang 'iya rilihiyun hay Katuliku.Most [people] here in Romblon are those who had their wedding in the church if their religion is Roman Catholic.
riluna watch or clock for measuring time sirū'an ning 'ūrasPreparation for use: pa'andarun wind the watch.
rīmana breadfruit tree or fruitArtocarpus communis (Forst.)n'ūtan nga rīmancoconut flavored breadfruitginat'an nga rīmanbreadfruit cooked in coconut milk extract
rimidyunthe solution or remedy for a problem'Ang manga sugaruy nga tāwu, kung sa 'inda bisyu nga sugay, tīgu magpangita' ning rimidyu.As for those gambling people, if it is regarding their gambling vices, they know how to look for a solution [to their problem].nnarimidyunan indispensable wage, used to cover the cost of essential things of life'Ang narimidyu ku hay ginabakay ku naman ning gātas sa manga 'unga'.My indispensable wages are what I use to buy milk for my children.