buntaynthe unopened frond of a palm tree; an emerging frond still in its sheath'Ang 'īmu humanun hay mamuntay ka na lang; pagustu 'ina' sa 'īmu kung pila ka buntay nga buli 'ang 'īmu buntayun.What you will do is to just cut unopened fronds; it is up to you how many unopened buri fronds you will cut.spechaniggenhanigvSomeone cuts an unopened buri frond.buntay nang buli (buli 2)an unopened buri frondbuntayun'Ang 'īmu humanun hay mamuntay ka na lang, pagustu 'ina' sa 'īmu kung pila ka buntay nga buli 'ang 'īmu buntayun.What you will do is to just cut the unopened buri fronds; it is up to you how many unopened buri fronds will be cut by you.mabuntay, mamuntayvAn unopened buri frond is cut from a buri palm by someone.'Imaw 'ini 'ang manga para'an, 'ūna: mabuntay ka ning buli kung pila ka buntay 'ang gustu mu, kung 'ini hay 'igwa ka ning kabulihan.These are the steps, first: you cut the unopened buri frond depending on how many fronds you want, if you have a buri grove.
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