gāsivSomeone assumes, expects, imagines, supposes or thinks something.gagasiSomething is assumed, expected, imagined or supposed by someone.Nagkadtu kami 'ina' niyan sa baylīhan pīru waya' 'aku 'adtu gagasi nga yadtu si Nilda.We went there to the dancing place but I did not expect that Nelda would be there.Gāsi mu gāni'! 'Ina' 'ang manga 'unga' gina'iksa dira' sa may bintāna'.[It] should be imagined by you! Those children were being thrown out through the window.'Aku, gāsi nindu pag'āgi nindu, yāra' 'aku nagatiltil ning batu.I, [it] was assumed by you upon your passing by, I was there breaking up marble.kagāsipseudo vSomething is assumed, expected, imagined, supposed, thought by someone.'Ang kagāsi ni Pidil hay matū'ud 'ang 'iya pananamgu.What was thought by Fidel was that his dream was true.
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