sa1loc n detSomeone or something does something or is situated at, beside, in, in front of, on a person or thing; someone does something to or with a thing; someone or something moves away from, into, onto, towards someone or something else.This determiner marks a non-topic location.Pagkatāpus bāsa nang sūlat si Plurintīna nagatūyu' 'ang 'iya lūha' nga nagapamalisbis sa pisngi nga, "Bāsi' kami 'itūnud sa dāgat?"After Florentina read the letter, her tears were running profusely down on her cheeks [and she said,] "Why will we be cast away into the ocean?"Nagtāngis si Karlus sa 'iya lūlu; bīsan 'anu nga paliwānag nang 'iya lūlu, hay 'indi' siya magsugut nga siya hay 'indi' day'un nang 'iya lūlu.Carlos cried in front of his grandfather; even though [the situation] was explained by his grandfather, he would not agree that he would not be taken back by his grandfather.cfhābanghābanghābanghasta hasta kung kasan'ukung kasan'ukung san'ukung san'umintras mintras mintras nasasa tāma' nga 'ūras samantālasamantāla'samantāla'tubtub tubtub 'ūras 'ūras ti n detSomething happens or a state exists during, for or in a particular time period; something happens on a particular point in time.'Diri sa 'ātun kahuga'hūga' 'ang tūbi' kag lalunglālu' na sa būlan nang Marsu hasta 'Abril.Here in our place the water is very difficult especially during the month of March until April.Si Nardu na 'ang bahāya' magpasāyud sa manga tāwu nga 'igwa ning mīting sa Duminggu.Nardo is the one responsible to inform the people that there will be a meeting on Sunday.Manyanitāhan nātun si Rūsa sa Hulyu disi'utsu.Rosa will be serenaded by us on July ptlJoins a linking verb to a gerund; not usually translated in English.Mapāra 'ang 'unga' sa pagtāngis.The child will stop crying.Ginatawag si Tiruy nang 'iya nanay pāra magpabūlig sa manga trabāhu sa 'inda bayay.Teroy is called by his mother in order to let [him] help work at their house.prepSomething is done during a particular time period; will be done this coming designated time.Hambay ku hay sīgi, makara' gāling nga nākun kami sa hāpun.I said, go ahead for we all will come this coming afternoon.Sa pagkatūyug ni Marsya nagdamgu siya nga may nakīta' siya nga lābut nga kāhuy.During Marcia's sleeping, she dreamed that she saw a strange kind of tree.cfhābangmintras samantālaprepThe function, purpose, or use of something is for a particular action or condition.Dira' sa Tyamban, kung 'ikaw nagaplīti ning kātids 'igwa 'ina' dira' ning kumplītu nga gāmit nga 'indu magagāmit sa pagkatūyug.There in Tiamban, if you are renting a cottage, there are complete supplies there that will be used by you for sleeping.Ginasakyan 'ang traysikul sa pagpamakay ning tinda sa banwa.Motorized pedicabs are ridden in for buying groceries in town.prepSomething is done by means of an action or thing.Ginapa'āgi lang ni Pidru sa sistīma nang pagsūlat 'ang paghambay niya sa dalāga.What he [wanted to] make known to the young lady was made known by Pedro by means of a writing system.subord conjSomething happens or a state exists because something else happens or another state exists; or because of another happening, state, person or thing.Namatoy si Pidru sa kagūtum.Pedro died because of hunger.Sa kadaku' nang 'iya gingkā'un, nagasakit 'ang 'iya tiyan.Because his eating was excessive, his stomach pained.subord conj & intbecause...verySee also sa followed by pronouns, sec. ka'īnit nang kapi, waya' 'inuma ni Nurma.Because the coffee was very hot, Norma did not drink [it].Ka'init'īnit 'ang kapi, waya' 'inuma ni Nurma.[Because] the coffee was very hot Norma, did not drink [it].Compare above with the following:kaysa (kay2 3)2than, different fromparīhu sa2the same assa'ūyu1Someone memorizes something.
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