manghudna younger sibling, i.e., a younger brother or sisterDyūwil, bāsi' gustu mu kami nga bayā'an? Bukun mu ba kami palangga' nang 'īmu manghud, nga gustu mu gid maghalin sa 'āmun?Joel, why do you want to leave us? Don't you love us and your younger sibling, that you want to go away from us?kamanghūran21nthe youngest of two or more siblingsNang 'una nga panahun may manga hari'ānun na may tuyu nga 'unga' nga si Katalīna 'ang pangānay, 'Isabil 'ang 'ikaduha kag si Marya 'ang kamanghūran.Long ago there was a king and queen who had three children in which Catalina was the firstborn, Isabel was the second and Mary was the youngest.23, Social Relationships2vThe younger sibling of two, or the youngest sibling of three or more siblings is begotten by man and woman.magmanghudpl nsiblingsMagmanghud kita, si Pitra 'ang maguyang, kita hay manghud.We (three) are siblings; Petra is the older sibling; we (two) are the younger siblings.23, Social RelationshipsmanghuranDisir ta kunu manghuran, hay pa'abūtun ta 'ānay kunu manga 'unum ka tū'ig kay kahuga' gali' 'ang nagadipāra ning 'unga'.Before a younger sibling will be begotten by us, he said, [our present child] should be allowed by us to reach six years of age, he said, because it is difficult to care for a child.23, Social Relationships

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