hilawadjSomething is uncooked or unripe; fish or meat is raw.'Ang patatlu na ka tumbaw hay pūru na pakuyub kay kung pūru kuyub 'ang sa 'idāyum sunug 'ang niyug nga sa 'idāyum kag hilaw sa 'ibābaw.The third stack are all upside down (i.e., meat down) because if those on the bottom are all upside down the coconuts which are at the bottom will be burned and those which are on top will be uncooked.'Ang pa'un ni Lurit sa pagbunit hay hilaw nga 'isda' nga hiniwa'hiwa'.As for the bait of Loret when fishing with hook-and-line, [it] is raw chunks of fish.anthinugpahinugcfbuyug1adjhilawhilaw1adjSomething is partially cooked or partially ripe.2vSomething becomes partially cooked or partially ripe.naghilawhilaw became partially cooked or partially ripe
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