ka-an2pl affDescribes a plural number of objects denoted by the root.In some instances the plural form retains length, and in others it is lost. Other examples: pispis bird, kapispisan birds; saysay life experience, kasaysāyan life experiences; sūgu' command, instruction, kasugu'an commands, instructions; 'ambu' rat, ka'ambu'an rats; 'ugāli custom, habit, ka'ugali'an customs, habits; bāta' young person, kabatā'an young people.Kung waya' syay suya' ginapangnguyāban nya 'ang 'iya ka'unga'an hasta 'asāwa.If he has no side dish, his children were scolded by him [and] also his wife.synma-an loc n derv affDescribes an area which is characterized by objects denoted by the root.batu stone, kabatuhan stony areaDiri 'ini siya naga'istar sa kabatuhan nga lugar, lālu' pa sa 'idāyum nang batu nga pantay dira' gid 'ina' 'ang 'inda gustu nga 'istaran.This one (i.e., a ruby triton mollusk) stays here in a stony area, especially under a flat stone.n derv affDerives a noun from an adjective.In some instances the derived form retains length, and in others it is lost. Other examples: balinghuy cassava, kabalinghuyan cassava grove; būkid hill, mountain, kabukīran hill or mountain area; buli buri palm, kabulihan buri palm grove; humay rice plant, kahumayan rice plant area; kūgun cogon grass, kakugnan cogon grass area; lāti' woodlot, kalatī'an woodlot area; lūnang mud, kalunāngan muddy area; lūsay shallow-ocean seaweed, kalusāyan shallow-ocean seaweed area; niyug coconut palm, kanyūgan coconut grove; punta end, kapuntāhan end area.n derv affkahuga' difficult, kahugā'an difficulty, hardship'Ang kahugā'an sa pagpangabuhi' hay 'isa gid nga dahilan nga kung bāsi' 'ang 'isa nga tāwu hay naga'īsip nga magkadtu sa 'iban nga lugar.Hardship in life is one reason why some people consider going to other places.n derv affDerives a noun from a verb.Other derivations: bulgar indecent, vulgar, kabulgaran indecency, vulgarity; kahāba' long, kahabā'an ceiling joist; kūyang inadequate, kakuyangan inadequacy; nilāngas humorous, kalangāsan joke; kalā'in bad, difficult, evil, severe, kala'īnan badness, difficulty, evil, severity; kalīpay happy, kalipāyan happiness; mālas bad, kamalāsan bad luck; matū'ud true, kamatu'ūran truth; tāpus finished, katapūsan end.n derv aff'iba 'accompanies someone', 'stay together', ka'ibāhan 'associate', 'companion'Bāgu ka mag'ūli' sa Rumblun, tudlu'i 'ānay 'ang 'īmu manga ka'ibāhan!Before you go back to Romblon, your [working] associates must first be taught!n derv affOther derivations: lībut goes around, kalibūtan the earth; lūku is fooled, kalukūhan foolishness; sīra' breaks, damages, destroys, kasira'an breakdown, damage, decay, destruction.
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