ninduposs adj pronyour (pl.) person or thing; a person or thing of yours; your doing something.Post-noun or post-gerund possessive pronoun. For pre-noun or pre-gerund possessive pronoun, see 'indu 1a.'Imaw gāni' 'ining pangayū'un sa 'ātun ni Mistir Riyis: 'ang manga kwalipikasyun nang manga mimbru, 'ang pagmantinir nang watirsistim nindu, 'ang pagmantinir sa watirshid nga ginabuy'an nang tūbi', kag 'ang paglūbung nang manga bāru.This is what Mr. Reyes is asking from us: the qualification of members, the maintenance of your water system, the maintenance of the watershed where the water is gotten, and the burying of water pipes.Kung kamu magpangisda', waya' na kamu pagprublīma kay puydi kamu maka'abri nang grīpu kung kamu magpamanlaw, 'agud pag'abut nindu hay ma'īlis na lang kamu.When you go fishing you no longer experience a problem because you will be able to turn on the faucet when you rinse off so that upon your reaching home you will just change [your dresses].cf'indu 'indu 'indu gen pronSomething is done by you (pl.).Follows an undergoer focus verb.'Aku 'ānay 'ang pamatī'i nindu kay kwarta nāmun 'adtu, bukun kwarta nindu.I should be the one listened to by you because that is our money, not your money.gen pronFollowing a negative or adverb, nindu occurs pre-verb.Magbinākay kamu ning lamīsa kag bangku', pagkatāpus waya' nindu ginadahāni.You kept on buying tables and benches, [but] afterwards [they] were not taken care of by you.gen pronOccurs pre-verb, immediately following a topic pronoun, in a negative sentence.'Indi' na 'aku nindu pagbakyi ning makina kay kanūgun lang 'ang kwarta!I should no longer have a sewing machine bought by you because the money will just be wasted!gen pronAs a constituent of a substantive phrase, nindu occurs pre-verb.Pamāti' kamu kung 'anu nga hāyup 'ang 'ūna nindu nga mabati'an nga maghūni kung Bag'ung tū'ig, hambay ni Lūla.You listen for which animal is the first one that will be heard by you to call when it is New Year's day, said'indu
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