buyungna pharmaceutical or herbal medicine used for curing a sickness in humans, animals, plants'Ang manga buyung nga ginagāmit sa pagsāpu' hay duyaw, kusuy, lubigan kag 'āpug.As for the medicines that are used in curing skin irritations, [they] are turmeric rhizomes, kusuy rhizomes, lubigan rhizomes and lime powder.Kung mag'ugduk ning bayay nga bag'u, bāgu 'ibutang 'ang halīgi sa būhu' butangan 'ānay ning buyung 'ang kāda buhu'.When [you] build a new house, before the foundation posts will be put into the holes, each hole should have [herbal] medicine put into [them to ward off evil spirits].cfmidisīnavSomeone medically treats an illness, someone else.'ibuyungvAn animal, person, a sickness is medically treated by a herbalist miyugbūyung or a medical doctor duktur.'Ābir 'anu nga buyung 'ang 'īmu 'ibuyung basta ginapisti 'ang manuk waya' ka gid ning mahuman.Whatever medicines will be used by you to medically treat [an animal disease], when chickens are attacked by fowl pox you cannot do anything.ginabuyung1Kung ginabuyung 'ini nang 'albularyu hay tyad 'ini: nagabu'uy siya ning kapisnguy nga luy'a, ginahību' sa 'agtang, sa kamut, kag sa siki ning pakurus kag 'ang 'albularyu hay nagakutibkutib 'ang 'iya ba'ba' kag nagapinanghuy'ab.When [a soul-inflicted disease] is medically treated by this herbalist it is like this: she gets a piece of ginger rubs it on the forehead, hands, and feet as a cross and as for the herbalist her mouth murmurs and keeps on yawning.ginapabuyungNagagrābi 'ānay 'ang 'īmu hāyup nga ginapabuyung bāgu sinda 'umabut.Your domestic animals which are allowed [by you] to be medically treated become serious before they (i.e., herbalists) come.magabuyungvSomething, as medicine, is used by someone to medically treat a person, animal, an illness.Kung may dipirinsya 'ang 'isa sa 'ātun hay 'aku mismu 'ang magabuyung.If there is someone in our family who has a health problem, I am the one who will medically treat [them].miyugbūyungna herbalist; that is, a specialist in the use of herbal medicines'Ini 'ang 'itlug nang nītib nga manuk hay 'imaw 'ang ginagāmit nang manga miyugbūyung kung sinda nagakilībit.The eggs of the local chickens are the ones used by herbalists when they divine an illness with an egg.syn'albularyupabuyungcaus vAn animal, person, a sickness is allowed by someone to be medically treated by someone else, as a herbalist miyugbūyung or a medical doctor duktur.pagbuyunggersomeone's medically treating of an animal, someone else, a sickness'Ini naman 'ang manuk nga bukay 'igwa da 'ini ning 'impurtanti nga gāmit kay 'ini hay ginagāmit nang manga 'albularyu sa pagbuyung labi na gid 'ina' 'ang ginatawag nga bī'aw.As for these white chickens, there is another important use because they are what are used by herbalists for medically treating [a sickness], especially what is called bī'aw.

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