sumpa'nan attestation or oath that a particular situation exists/will exist or action occurs/will occurnakapanumpa'na curse placed on someone to cause evil to befall that personTapus nang kami hay nakapanumpa' na nang 'ispurtmanship hay may 'iruplānu sa 'ibābaw nga nagalupad.When we finished taking an oath in sportsmanship there was an airplane above which was flying.Dumuyut gid 'adtu kay daw parīhu da 'adtu sumpa' nga nagbātu' si Daryu sa 'iya tatay.That [wish of his father that evil befall him) took effect because it is similar to a curse, because Dario fought with his father.panumpa'2vSomeone takes an oath or solemnly attests that a particular situation exists or will exist, or action occurs or will occur.
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