tū'igna yearSa manga masunud nga 'ig, magakūli' na 'ang 'isda' sa dāgat kay 'ang manga miyugpangisda' hay nagagāmit ning palūpuk.In years to come, fish in the ocean will become scarce because fishermen are using explosives.meas na nonspecific or specific number of years; a time measurementNumbers one through ten or pila are followed by ka tū'ig; numbers above ten are commonly followed by nga tū'ig.Nagtudlu' si 'Uhin didtu ning tuyu ka 'ig kag pagkatāpus nagtrabāhu naman siya sa Malaysia ning tatlu da gihāpun ka tū'ig kag bāgu nadistīnu diri siya sa Pilipīnas.Ohin taught there for three years and afterwards he worked in Malaysia for another three years and before [he] was assigned here in Philippines.meas nBag'ung tū'ig2nNew Year's day; i.e., the first day of JanuaryPamāti' kamu kung 'anu nga hāyup 'ang 'ūna nindu nga mabati'an nga maghūni kung Bag'ung tū'ig, hambay ni Lūla.You listen for which animal is the first one that will be heard by you to call when it is New Year's day, said Grandmother.gingtu'igtū'igCompare kāda tū'ig 'every year.'Gingtu'igtū'ig ni Silma 'ang pagta'u niya ning kwarta sa 'iya nanay.Her giving of money to her mother was done every year by Selma.panū'ig2first-crop seasoncfpanag'ārawtinū'igadjSomething happens yearly.Tinū'ig kung si Ramun nagabisīta sa 'iya ginikānan.It is yearly when Ramon visits his parents.tu'igtū'ig1adjEvery year something happens.Tu'igtū'ig si Nilda hay nagakari sa Rumblun.Every year, as for Nelda, [she] comes to Romblon.2vSomething is done every year by someone.

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