Samo - English
abe abe var. aboo mod old and tough (sugar cane) cf v aboola
abi hoon a'bi hoon n a swamp, puddle, or mud hole syn dogo
abo 2 "abo n the reciprocal term of address and reference for a grandmother and her grandchild
aboogoola aboogoola v1 to become wild, as an animal becomes wild
aboola aboola v1 (sugar cane) to become old
ada 'ada var. of ala 2 var. of alabe
ade 'ade var. owo n the reciprocal term for a son and his father, including the men of his father's initiation cycle in his village syn ado
adimande "adi'mande sub. of adiomon set in the doorway
adiomon adion'mon n a door adiomon solomanla open the door adiomon kisonla close the door adimande sub. "adi'mande set in the doorway
ado ado n dad or daddy syn ade
afe 'afe n batten (the horizontal pieces that folded sago leaves are inserted over to form a sago-leaf roof, the crosspieces on rafters or trusses that an iron roof is nailed to) afe fanla sub. 'afe fanla v1 to tie afe (battens) onto rafters
afe fanla 'afe fanla sub. of afe v1 to tie afe (battens) onto rafters
agola agola v1 to flood Hoon agodo. The water is high (in flood).
agoogoo a'googoo n a sore or wound agoogoo fufuwakala sub. agoogoo fufuwakala v1 to be covered with sores
agoogoo fufuwakala agoogoo fufuwakala sub. of agoogoo v1 to be covered with sores
ala 1 ala v1 1 harvest 2 harvest (taro) An houa abo. I harvested taro. 3 brake (bottle, drum)
ala 2 ala var. ada var. of alabe
ala 3 ala cf alabe pro1 you and I (1st person dual inclusive) Ala ibo We (2) went
alabe alabe var. ala 2 cf ala 3 pro4 our (1st person dual inclusive possessive)
alafookibi a'lafookibi n wing
alagatoola alagatoola v1 to snatch or grab at unsuccessfully