Samo - English
nan lan pro2 you (2nd person singular focus) Nan ila. You will go (in answer to the question "who will go?") Nan an oobo. You hit me.
nanba lanba n elastic or rubber
nansi 1 lansi n a type of tree bark used in spells
nanwi lanwi n a possum-like animal
neganlo nen'ganlo might, or liable to Sobo tola noganlo koda oloowo ibaba? Why did you escort your wife when she might die?
nelonbu uyo lenlonbu uyo n cicada
nen len pro4 your (2nd person singular possessive) nen finlin sub. len finlin it's up to you, or it's your business)
nen finlin len finlin sub. of nen it's up to you, or it's your business)
nendi nenla lendi lenla v1 to barter or trade cf v nenla
nesomunla lensomunla cf haisoosoola v1 to be angry and ignore
nin 1 lin pro1 you (plural) or yours (plural), (2nd person plural) Ke nin. It is yours. Nin diyaun defanla. You (pl) will cut the grass (in answer to "What will we do?").
nin 2 linloon pro3 you two specifically (2nd person dual specific)
ninlen 2 linlen pro2 you two (2nd person dual focus) Ninlen howotoola. You (2) will work (in answer to "who will work?").
ninlenbe linlenbe ninlen 1 pro4 your (2nd person dual possessive)
ninlin linlin pro1 you two, or yours (2nd person dual) Ke ninlin. It belongs to you two.
ninyen 2 linyen pro2 you (2nd person plural focus) Ninyen i. You (pl) go (in answer to "Who will go?")
ninyenbe linyenbe ninyen 1 pro4 your (2nd person plural possessive) ninyenbe bibi. your (pl) cargo
ninyoon linyoon pro3 you (plural) specifically (2nd person plural specific)