Resultado de búsqueda de "icy"

icycfr-yu' icyunspec. comp. form ofr-yu'icyn1cabezahead2.1.1Head2encima de; enon top of; onLà'à máány zòòb íícy yù'ùThe bird is on the house.2.1Bodyicy yu'unspec. comp. formnroof

bto icy2 nsiencrown (of the head)irreg. infl.lobtoicy2

chi'icy conjentoncesthen

gich icyncabellohair of the head2.1.5Hairr-ga' gichunspec. comp. formvbe hairyÁ=rr-gá'=dù'úxh Juáàny gììchJuan está peludo.Juan is hairy.

icy ni'npunta del pieZúú+ldíí=à' cùn íícy+nì'=àI'm standing on tiptoes2.1.3.2Leg7.1.1Stand

icy nnanpunto del dedofingertip2.1.3.1Arm

yob icy ncerebrobrain2.1.1Head

r-gu icyvponer la cabeza enput the head in; stick the head inÙ-lùù+íícy bè'cw lè'èn gèès.The dog stuck his head in the pot.

r-zo'b icyvcargar en la cabezacarry on the headR-zò'b+ììcy Màríí gèès.Maria carries the pot on her head.7.3.1Carry

icy yu'unspec. comp. form oficyyu'roof

bto icy1irreg. infl. oflobtoicy1temple (of the face)

r-yu'Related tor-gu'v1meterse; ponerseput oneself; be put; be placedR-yù' gèèt lè'èn ròòbThe tortillas are placed in the tenate. in2ponerse, usarput on, useCá-yù' fàj lè'èny Juáàny.Juan is putting on the support belt.R-yù' yààg náá=bHe uses a walking stick.5.3.7Wear clothing3entrarenterR-yù' Juáàny lè'èn yù'ùJuan enters the house.4invertiersebe invested inR-yù' méély lòò=nyThe money is invested in it.Rùjtsá mèèly b-yù' lòò càrrLots of money is invested in the car.r-yu bye'cyunspec. comp. formvturn oneself around; turn one's head to look backR-yù'+byè'cy Juáàn chì'í rrchá'gbí MàrííJuan se voltea cuando encuentra a Maria.Juan turns around when he meets Maria.r-yu' biunspec. comp. formvmake noiseCá-yú+bìì réé=bldáágLas hojas están haciendo ruido.The leaves are rustling.r-yu' che'unspec. comp. formRelated tor-gu che'1unspec. comp. form ofr-gu'vbe guarded4.4.4.5Protectr-yu' crudunspec. comp. formvhave a hangoverRyù'ú Juààny crúùdJuan tiene la cruda.Juan has hangoverr-yu' dxe'chunspec. comp. formvbe angryR-gù'+dxè'ch Màríí JuáànyMaria pone a Juan de mal humor.Maria puts Juan in a bad mood.r-yu' icyunspec. comp. formcficyvunderstandR-yù'+íícy Juáàny nàà'.Juan me entiende.Juan understands me.3.2.4Understandr-yu' legrunspec. comp. formadjbe happyr-yu' tristunspec. comp. formvbe sadÍíty Juáàny nyù'+trììstJuan no estaba tristeJuan wasn't sad.r-yu' xlia'unspec. comp. formvhave a feverCá-yù' Juáàny xlíà'Juan tiene fiebreJuan has a fever2.5.6Symptom of diseaser-yu' xpixhunspec. comp. formvbe disgusted byR-yù'+xpìxh Juáàny còmííhèdA Juan le da asco de la comida.Juan is disgusted by the food.r-yu' xtienyunspec. comp. formvbe rustyLà'á x-cóch Juààny cá-yù' xtìèny.El coche de Juan se está oxidando.Juan's car is rustingr-yu' za'cunspec. comp. formvgive birthÁ=byù'+zà'c MàrííMaria dió luzMaria gave birth.

lobtoicy1nsientemple (of the face)irreg. infl.bto icy1

lobtoicy2irreg. infl. ofbto icy2crown (of the head)

yu' irreg. infl.liz1house ofcfliz2ncasahouseicy yu'unspec. comp. formnroofyu' banyunspec. comp. formnhouse made of mud and bamboo6.5.1.1House

r-ca1cfdi'dxr-cwa'yagv1hacer ruido fuerte; dispararexplode; make a loud noiseRr-cáá pìstóòlDispara la pistola2sonar, tocar (una campana, una trompeta)ring (a bell), play (a trumpet)despues de míís gùlóórygì chì'ícy ní rrxéél càmpààn rrcáázáác càmpààn ràjczáácní ùùsAfter the glory mass is when the bells are opened and they ring the bells again.

r-zobylazv1desear (comida, bebida)want (food, drink)Rrzòbylàjz Juáàny tòby ldà'á bè'l.J2deseardesirenìnàázní ííty pàrééjwtìní nààny zì'ícy nù'únì rrxá'trúráb dzììny ààxtà zì'ídínì quìsííèrr là'àráb chííráb nìzì'ídínì rrzòbylàjznì pèr chì'í íítysà rùùny tùcáàrnì là'àráb nada mas es no es parejo, como hay les dan man trabajo hasta es como quisieran que los elijan (que los escogen) lo desean pero no que no les toca a ellosMZ rusäblajz