Resultado de búsqueda de "r-yu'"

r-yu'Related tor-gu'v1meterse; ponerseput oneself; be put; be placedR-yù' gèèt lè'èn ròòbThe tortillas are placed in the tenate. in2ponerse, usarput on, useCá-yù' fàj lè'èny Juáàny.Juan is putting on the support belt.R-yù' yààg náá=bHe uses a walking stick.5.3.7Wear clothing3entrarenterR-yù' Juáàny lè'èn yù'ùJuan enters the house.4invertiersebe invested inR-yù' méély lòò=nyThe money is invested in it.Rùjtsá mèèly b-yù' lòò càrrLots of money is invested in the car.r-yu bye'cyunspec. comp. formvturn oneself around; turn one's head to look backR-yù'+byè'cy Juáàn chì'í rrchá'gbí MàrííJuan se voltea cuando encuentra a Maria.Juan turns around when he meets Maria.r-yu' biunspec. comp. formvmake noiseCá-yú+bìì réé=bldáágLas hojas están haciendo ruido.The leaves are rustling.r-yu' che'unspec. comp. formRelated tor-gu che'1unspec. comp. form ofr-gu'vbe guarded4.4.4.5Protectr-yu' crudunspec. comp. formvhave a hangoverRyù'ú Juààny crúùdJuan tiene la cruda.Juan has hangoverr-yu' dxe'chunspec. comp. formvbe angryR-gù'+dxè'ch Màríí JuáànyMaria pone a Juan de mal humor.Maria puts Juan in a bad mood.r-yu' icyunspec. comp. formcficyvunderstandR-yù'+íícy Juáàny nàà'.Juan me entiende.Juan understands me.3.2.4Understandr-yu' legrunspec. comp. formadjbe happyr-yu' tristunspec. comp. formvbe sadÍíty Juáàny nyù'+trììstJuan no estaba tristeJuan wasn't sad.r-yu' xlia'unspec. comp. formvhave a feverCá-yù' Juáàny xlíà'Juan tiene fiebreJuan has a fever2.5.6Symptom of diseaser-yu' xpixhunspec. comp. formvbe disgusted byR-yù'+xpìxh Juáàny còmííhèdA Juan le da asco de la comida.Juan is disgusted by the food.r-yu' xtienyunspec. comp. formvbe rustyLà'á x-cóch Juààny cá-yù' xtìèny.El coche de Juan se está oxidando.Juan's car is rustingr-yu' za'cunspec. comp. formvgive birthÁ=byù'+zà'c MàrííMaria dió luzMaria gave birth.

r-yu'unyRelated tor-gu'uny1vpeinar (el proprio pelo)comb (your own hair)B-yù'úny ììcy=bìHe combed his hair.5.4.3Care for hair

r-yu'xi'volersmellB-yù'xì'=íby sòòpHe smelled the soupMZ ruxhi'

r-gu'lu'irregular stem of rrgù' 'put'irreg.'irregular stem of rrgù' 'put'Related ton-u'u1r-u'r-yu'v1poner; pintar; hacerput; paint; performCá-gù'=réby pìntúùr pàdèjrThey are painting the wallÍíty bxhùùz ní-gù' mííàs.The priest didn't perform the mass.2poner (anillo, sombrero, etc.) a (otra persona)put (a ring, hat, etc.) on (another person)Ù-lù' Juáàny gììbníìl xbcwèyn nàà' MàrííJuan put a ring on Maria's finger.r-gu che'1unspec. comp. formRelated tor-yu' che'unspec. comp. form ofr-yu'vput (inside)Ù-lùchè' Léèn x-méél=nì' lè'èn x-púúx=nì'Elena metió su dinero en su bolsaElena put her money in her purse.pairpairr-gu che'2unspec. comp. formvguard, keep safe; saveÙlùùchè' Juáàny mèèly.Juan ahorró dinero.Juan saved money4.4.4.5Protect6.8.1.4Store wealth

r-bancfr-u'banr-yu' ban1vextrañarmissNá-báán=bíHe is sad.Rr-báàn=à' xhúmàà.I miss my mother.ííny+báána sad persondu' banunspec. comp. formntumpline

r-gu'uny1Related tor-yu'unyry-u'unyvpeinar el cabello (de otra persona)comb (another person's) hairCá-gù'ny Màríí ììcy JuáànyMaria is combing Juan's hair.Là'=èz=bí r-gù'n=bá ììcy=bì.She only combed her hair.5.4.3Care for hair

r-yu' xpixhunspec. comp. form ofxpixhr-yu'be disgusted by

r-yu' banbe sad

icycfr-yu' icyunspec. comp. form ofr-yu'icyn1cabezahead2.1.1Head2encima de; enon top of; onLà'à máány zòòb íícy yù'ùThe bird is on the house.2.1Bodyicy yu'unspec. comp. formnroof

xpixhnasconausea, disgustR-yù' xpìxh=á'I am disgusted; I am nauseated. illnessr-yu' xpixhunspec. comp. formvbe disgusted byR-yù'+xpìxh Juáàny còmííhèdA Juan le da asco de la comida.Juan is disgusted by the food.

bxhi'ty n1enredado (de pelos, hilos)tangle (of hairs, fibers)2estopa (hecho de ixtle), estropajo de ixtlescrubber made of maguey fibersRrsyáá Màríí cùn bxhíítyMaria cleans with the scouring padr-yu'bxhityunspec. comp. formvto tangleR-yù'+bxhííty lòò dùù'El mecate se enredaThe rope gets tangled

trabagw1ntrabajotrouble, difficultyTràbàgw r-yù' lòò=nyIt's a lot of trouble.2adjdificildifficultRùjtsà tràbáàgw rr-nìì bííny dyá’ xtíìl.It is very difficult to speak Spanish.

tip1adj^apretadotightÙ-zùù+tííp lòò dù'ùTighten the rope.Rr-cuáá+tììp=bí lòò dù'ùHe ties the rope tightly.Lí'íby+tiip dù'ù.The rope is tied tightly.non-projnon-proj2adjestar apretadobe tightTííp r-yù' Juáàny lè'èn cùtóònyJuan's shirt is tight.

garza'npreocupacion; melancolía, sentido de extrañar al hogar o a la familiahomesickness, melancholy; worry about familyR-yù'ù Juáàny gàrzá' (cùn xhì'ny=bí)Juan worries about his son.Á=ù-nè'èz gàrzá' lè'èby.Depression overcame her.Ràjc=bì gàrzà'He is depressed.2.5.8Mental illness