Search results for "ca"

caadjpuntiagudo, filososharpCáá íícy yààgThe point of the stick is sharp.Cáá lòò gùchììlyThe knife is sharp.

r-ca2Related tor-cwa1cfn-acwn-u'u1r-acwr-ayr-be'cy1v1colgarhang Rr-cáá=dù'úxh mànsáànThere are a lot of apples hanging up there. from (of fruit); be on (of fruit)Cáád íís rr-cáá nááxh lòò yààg.Every year, there is fruit on the tree.; estar en un lugar altobe located in a high placeYá' cáá mànsáànThe apple is high up.Lá nú'=zà'c cáá=w lè'èny àmácEstás bien en la hamaca? (una mancha de nacimiento, un cicatriz, o un grano) en (una parte del cuerpo)have (a birthmark, scar, pimple) on (a part of the body)Lè'éby cáá tòyby béldgíító xnííà lòòby.He has a red portwine stain on his face.Cáá tòyby séèn ní'àI have a scar on my leg.5tener puesto (sombreros, lentes, zapatos, etc.)wear (hats, glasses, shoes, etc.)Cáá sàpàjt nì =á'I am wearing shoes.5.3.7Wear clothing6inclinadoleaning (supported by something)7estar (una hora)be (a certain hour)Rr-cáá tsùùptòybyIt is (generally) eleven o'clock (when...)Cáá tàjp=nì'It is four o'clock.r-ca ... mamunspec. comp. formvcarry (a baby) on the backCáá xì'ny Màrìì màam.María está cargando el bebé en su espalda.Maria is carrying the baby on her back.7.3.1Carryr-ca di'nunspec. comp. formMX rcadi'nvbuy on creditRr-cà+dì'n=bì càrrEl agarra un carro en crédito.He buys a car on credit.r-ca giunspec. comp. formkáxììvburnCá-cágìì yù'La casa se está encendiendo.The house is burningirreg. gi5.5.4Burnnon-projnon-proj

ri'cavtener sarnahave scabiesCá-rì'cà=' gèych.I have the skin disease called geych.

ca-dxi advhace pocorecentlyCádxìì rútè'cà túú by-éèdRecently no one came

r-ca1cfdi'dxr-cwa'yagv1hacer ruido fuerte; dispararexplode; make a loud noiseRr-cáá pìstóòlDispara la pistola2sonar, tocar (una campana, una trompeta)ring (a bell), play (a trumpet)despues de míís gùlóórygì chì'ícy ní rrxéél càmpààn rrcáázáác càmpààn ràjczáácní ùùsAfter the glory mass is when the bells are opened and they ring the bells again.

rute'capronadieanyoneRú-tè=chà’ túú bíín güíì lòò gyè’.Maybe no one went to the market


r-ca'a sp. var.cà'v1recibirreceiveCwà'á Juáàny rrègáàlJuan received a present2agarrarget, collectRr-cà'z=á yà-cà'á x-gáálgèèz=àI want to collect my guelaguetza3morirdiesegun creens díxté réébííny lòò gèèdxrè' rrnííráb chì rrcà'á dyòòs tòyby bííny chì'íSegun la creencia de la gente de este pueblo, dicen cuando se muere una persona2.6.6Dier-ca be'unspec. comp. formvget moldyCwàbè' gèèt xtíìly.El pan tiene hongos.The bread got moldy.r-ca gopunspec. comp. formvmoistensynr-cop

r-ca'zv1quererwant; loveRr-cà'z=bá xhì'ny=bà.She loves her child.Rr-cà’z=bí g-ú’ld=bì gìtàrry.He wants to play the guitar.Ù-cà’z Juáàny ní-bè'é lòtèríì.Juan wanted to win the lottery.3.3Want4.3.3LoveIf the verb 'want' is in the completive, its complement is in the negative. If the verb 'want' is in some other aspect, its complement is in the potential.2amar, quererlove2.6.1.5Romantic love

r-di cavasomar, salircome out (from under something), come in (of teeth)Chì' r-dìì+cáà lààjy bdòò'When the baby's teeth come inUri ca eby ru' ventan.He came up at the window.

r-ca'tscfr-ga'tsventerrar; esconderbury; hideÙ-cà'ts=réb tù'gù'lThey buried the deceased person.

r-ca manyvser carcomido; carcomersebe worm-eatenCwà+mààny xòòbThe corn was worm-eatennon-projnon-proj

r-ca bye'cyv1dar vueltaspinBdùàn rrcàbyè'cy.The wind is spinning2batirspin (something); beat (something)Cácwábyè'cy=à' murrníìlI'm spinning the molinilloRrcàbyè'cy Màrìì nààxh.Maria spins the chocolate

ca giirreg. infl. ofr-ca giburnunspec. comp. form ofr-ca2

r-ca ... mamunspec. comp. form ofr-ca2carry (a baby) on the back

r-ca be'unspec. comp. form ofbe'e1r-ca'a get moldy

r-ca gopunspec. comp. form ofr-ca'a gop2r-ca'a moisten

r-zu cader. ofr-zu1cause to stand

r-cwa'kwaʔcfdi'dxr-ca1yagContrastr-cwa2v1tirar; ponerthrow; put2escribirwrite3.5.7.1Write3echar (tortillas)make (tortillas)Là’éby ííty=pà’c=sá rr-cuà’=tí=by gèèt.She never makes tortillasÙ-cà' Juáàny yéès dèxh pàdéèrJuan put plaster on the wallÙ-cà' Juáàny bgùù lòò dù'ù.Juan tied a knot in the rope.cwader.vbe sharpenedÁ=cuà' lòò gùchíílyEl cuchillo está afiladoThe knife is sharpenedr-cwa gider.vlight; set on fireÙ-càà+gíí Juáàny vèlàdóórrJuan encendio la veladora.Juan lit the candle.non-projnon-projr-cwa' di'dxder.vinsult indirectlyRr-cuà' Màríì dìì'dx Juáàny.Maria insulta indirecta a Juan.Maria indirectly insults Juan.idiomidiomThis sense of the verb requires the idiomatic object dìì'dxr-cwa' loder.vsharpenCá-cuàà' bííny ngìw lòò gùchíìly.El hombre está afilando el cuchillo.The man is sharpening the knifer-cwa' yagder.v1tieÙ-cá' x-pè'cw=á' yààgAté mi perro.I tied my dog.idiomidiomThis verb requires the idiomatic object yààg. Although yààg means 'wood, stick, tree', it is used with this verb regardless of what the object is tied to.2spank, hitRr-cuà'+yààg Juáàny xhììny=nì'.Juan le dió palmadas a su niño.Juan spanked his child.r-cwa' xtyugunspec. comp. formvpeck atRr-cùa'+xtyúúg dèjdy xóób.La gallina picotea el maiz.The chicken pecks at the corn.

r-yu'Related tor-gu'v1meterse; ponerseput oneself; be put; be placedR-yù' gèèt lè'èn ròòbThe tortillas are placed in the tenate. in2ponerse, usarput on, useCá-yù' fàj lè'èny Juáàny.Juan is putting on the support belt.R-yù' yààg náá=bHe uses a walking stick.5.3.7Wear clothing3entrarenterR-yù' Juáàny lè'èn yù'ùJuan enters the house.4invertiersebe invested inR-yù' méély lòò=nyThe money is invested in it.Rùjtsá mèèly b-yù' lòò càrrLots of money is invested in the car.r-yu bye'cyunspec. comp. formvturn oneself around; turn one's head to look backR-yù'+byè'cy Juáàn chì'í rrchá'gbí MàrííJuan se voltea cuando encuentra a Maria.Juan turns around when he meets Maria.r-yu' biunspec. comp. formvmake noiseCá-yú+bìì réé=bldáágLas hojas están haciendo ruido.The leaves are rustling.r-yu' che'unspec. comp. formRelated tor-gu che'1unspec. comp. form ofr-gu'vbe guarded4.4.4.5Protectr-yu' crudunspec. comp. formvhave a hangoverRyù'ú Juààny crúùdJuan tiene la cruda.Juan has hangoverr-yu' dxe'chunspec. comp. formvbe angryR-gù'+dxè'ch Màríí JuáànyMaria pone a Juan de mal humor.Maria puts Juan in a bad mood.r-yu' icyunspec. comp. formcficyvunderstandR-yù'+íícy Juáàny nàà'.Juan me entiende.Juan understands me.3.2.4Understandr-yu' legrunspec. comp. formadjbe happyr-yu' tristunspec. comp. formvbe sadÍíty Juáàny nyù'+trììstJuan no estaba tristeJuan wasn't sad.r-yu' xlia'unspec. comp. formvhave a feverCá-yù' Juáàny xlíà'Juan tiene fiebreJuan has a fever2.5.6Symptom of diseaser-yu' xpixhunspec. comp. formvbe disgusted byR-yù'+xpìxh Juáàny còmííhèdA Juan le da asco de la comida.Juan is disgusted by the food.r-yu' xtienyunspec. comp. formvbe rustyLà'á x-cóch Juààny cá-yù' xtìèny.El coche de Juan se está oxidando.Juan's car is rustingr-yu' za'cunspec. comp. formvgive birthÁ=byù'+zà'c MàrííMaria dió luzMaria gave birth.

gop2Related tor-copcfcop2Contrastgop1n1rocíodew1.2.3Solid, liquid, gas2humedadmoistnessunspec. comp. formr-ca gopmoistenr-ca'a

r-copRelated togop2vhumedecermoistensynr-ca gopunspec. comp. form ofr-ca'a gop2

r-cwa lovvigilar; proteger; cuidarwatch; guard againstCá-cuà+lòò+sérrc=ráb réé=sòspèchòjs.They are watching the suspects closelyLááèby rrcuàlòò=éby lè'èby tén ííty gáác=bí xí'She's being carefully to avoid getting the cold.À=cá-cwàlòò=èby lòòdè'She is watching the fire.

xhupacfpanpadre defather ofXhùpáà=cà Crìstìáán cá-yà’àChristina's father is dancing., motherThis is the possessed form of pàà

di'dx cfr-bir-ca1r-cwa'yagnpalabrawordOccurs as an idiomatic object with some verbs.