Search results for "dos"


rop1qdostwoÍ-róóp=tú chíí=àtYou two will go.

tyopqdostwoTyóóp=tú chíí=àt.Two of you will go (implying that the group is larger than two.)Ì-róóp=tú chíí=àt.You two will go.

r-dedydèèjdjRelated tor-te'dyvcolgar (entre dos puntos); ser transmitida (de una enfermidad)hang suspended (between two supports); be strung up (between two supports); be transmitted (of a disease)Yá' dèèdy cáàbl.The cable is strung upRr-dèedy gààlgììchThe disease is transmitted

dxucdxùùəcadj1faltando un pedazo, deformado (de las partes del cuerpo)missing a piece, deformed (of body parts)dyàg rr-dxùùcan ear with a piece missing8.3.1Shape2.5.4.5Birth defect2.1.1.5Tooth2caries (de los dientes)cavity (in the teeth)Xté dxúúc chù'ú lòò làày=à'I don't have a cavity in my tooth. decayr-awdxucunspec. comp. formvhave a cavity (of a tooth)Ràw+dxúúc lààjy Màríí.Maria tiene caries.Maria's tooth has a cavity.Tyóóp lààjy Màríí cáy-àw+dxùùcMaria tiene dos caries.Two of Maria's teeth have cavities.

r-awcfr-chag ru'1r-dawvcomereatBììn ngìw cáy-àw bzyàáThe men are eating beans.r-aw... ru'der.vkissÙ-dàw Juáàny rù' Màríí.Juan besó a María.Juan kissed Mary.4.1.8Show affectionThis is the normal word for 'kiss'. To kiss a saint is rrchàjg+rù'r-awdxucunspec. comp. formvhave a cavity (of a tooth)Ràw+dxúúc lààjy Màríí.Maria tiene caries.Maria's tooth has a cavity.Tyóóp lààjy Màríí cáy-àw+dxùùcMaria tiene dos caries.Two of Maria's teeth have cavities.r-awlayunspec. comp. formvgrind the teethRàw+lààjy MàrííMaria rechina los dientesMaria grinds her teeth.