Search results for "du'uxh"

du'uxhvtener mal de ojohave the evil eyeDù'úxh lòò=ébyHe has the evil eye.Ràjc=bí

r-ldu'uxhvterminar, completarfinish, completeÙ-ldù'úxh Juáàny sècùndárry,Juan finished high school.

r-zo'b cwidadvcuidarse, poner atenciónbe careful Rrzò'b=dù'úxh Juáàny cuìdáàd.Juan is very careful.Cuìdáàd=dù'úxh Juáàny cùn bdòò.Juan cares for the child a lot/Juan is very careful with the baby.

r-ca2Related tor-cwa1cfn-acwn-u'u1r-acwr-ayr-be'cy1v1colgarhang Rr-cáá=dù'úxh mànsáànThere are a lot of apples hanging up there. from (of fruit); be on (of fruit)Cáád íís rr-cáá nááxh lòò yààg.Every year, there is fruit on the tree.; estar en un lugar altobe located in a high placeYá' cáá mànsáànThe apple is high up.Lá nú'=zà'c cáá=w lè'èny àmácEstás bien en la hamaca? (una mancha de nacimiento, un cicatriz, o un grano) en (una parte del cuerpo)have (a birthmark, scar, pimple) on (a part of the body)Lè'éby cáá tòyby béldgíító xnííà lòòby.He has a red portwine stain on his face.Cáá tòyby séèn ní'àI have a scar on my leg.5tener puesto (sombreros, lentes, zapatos, etc.)wear (hats, glasses, shoes, etc.)Cáá sàpàjt nì =á'I am wearing shoes.5.3.7Wear clothing6inclinadoleaning (supported by something)7estar (una hora)be (a certain hour)Rr-cáá tsùùptòybyIt is (generally) eleven o'clock (when...)Cáá tàjp=nì'It is four o'clock.r-ca ... mamunspec. comp. formvcarry (a baby) on the backCáá xì'ny Màrìì màam.María está cargando el bebé en su espalda.Maria is carrying the baby on her back.7.3.1Carryr-ca di'nunspec. comp. formMX rcadi'nvbuy on creditRr-cà+dì'n=bì càrrEl agarra un carro en crédito.He buys a car on credit.r-ca giunspec. comp. formkáxììvburnCá-cágìì yù'La casa se está encendiendo.The house is burningirreg. gi5.5.4Burnnon-projnon-proj

r-guevplaticartalkBgwè'=dù'úxh=bí dììch.He talked a lot. about a subject

galnominalizergalgichunspec. comp. formnillnessRr-dèèdy gààlgììchSe transmite la enfermedadThe illness is spread.galprobyunspec. comp. formnpovertygalracredxunspec. comp. formncuring, callinggalrdya'anunspec. comp. formnhungerNù'ú-dù'úxh gáálrrldyà'ánHay mucha hambreThere is a lot of hunger.G-ùù`ty=bí gààlrrldyà'nEl se murió de hambre.He died of hunger.galrgi'tsunspec. comp. formnmassagegalrgitunspec. comp. formntoygalrrob nisunspec. comp. formnbaptism4.9Religiongalrye'ldunspec. comp. formn1forgetfulness2fright-sickness2.5.8Mental illness

gich icyncabellohair of the head2.1.5Hairr-ga' gichunspec. comp. formvbe hairyÁ=rr-gá'=dù'úxh Juáàny gììchJuan está peludo.Juan is hairy.

probypróóəbyadjpobrepoorNù'ú=dù'úxh bííny próóby rè'.There are a lot of poor people here. class

r-ga'1Contrastrga'vcrecer (de plantas, pelo, uñas)grow (of plants, hair, nails)Rr-gà' bxhùùg nàà='My nails grow.r-ga' gichunspec. comp. formvbe hairyÁ=rr-gá'=dù'úxh Juáàny gììchJuan está peludo.Juan is hairy.

r-nixhi'wv1mentirtell a lie; prevaricateRr-níí+xhì'w=dù'úxh=ù'You lie a lot.2lier-nixhi'w ne der.rr-nííʃìʔw+nééjvtrick; trick, deceiveRr-nííxhì'w+néé Màríí Juáàny.Maria engaña a Juan.Maria tricks JuanÙ-nììxhì'w=néé Juààny MàrììJuan engañó a Maria.Juany deceived Maria.

bca'ld cfn-u'u bca'ldunspec. comp. form ofn-u'u1bca'ldrni lo bca'ldid. ofr-ni1n^(a part of complex words related to sleep)n-u'u bca'ldunspec. comp. formcfbca'ldrni lo bca'ldid. ofr-ni1vbe sleepyNù'ú=dù'úxh bcà'ld lòò=èbyEl tiene mucho sueño.He is very sleepy.2.4.4Tired5.7Sleepxte' bca'ldunspec. comp. formcfladxa'yag maducnillness caused by injury to one's nagual2.5.2Disease

cwidad1adjcareful2vCwìdáád=ù' cùn bè'cwBe careful of the dog!3nJuáàny náá bííny ní=ráp=dù'úxh cuìdáád.Juan is a careful man.

n-u'u1zyu'will beirreg. infl.chu'will existryu'zyu'will bechu'will existRelated tor-gu'cfchu'irreg. infl. ofn-u'u1n-acwr-acwr-ayr-be'cy1r-ca2v1haber; vivir; estarexist; liveÍíty r-yùlà’àz=tì’=áb chù’-nèèy=b là’á=rébyShe didn't want to live with them.Ldùá' nù'ú=réby.They are in Oaxaca.2tenerhaveNù'ú tyóóp xì'nyrábThey had two children3tener puesto (anillo, cinturon, etc.)wear (a belt, ring, etc.)Nu'u cinturon le'ni JuanJuan is wearing a belt.5.3.7Wear clothingn-u'u bca'ldunspec. comp. formcfbca'ldrni lo bca'ldid. ofr-ni1vbe sleepyNù'ú=dù'úxh bcà'ld lòò=èbyEl tiene mucho sueño.He is very sleepy.2.4.4Tired5.7Sleepn-u'u bdo'unspec. comp. formvbe pregnant (of an animal)Nù'ú bè'cw bdò'.La perra está embarasada.The dog is pregnant.

r-ni1v1sayryè'tsnù nírrnííráb pòrr ùsòs y còstúúmbrès decimos, que dicen por usos y costumbres2decir; hablarspeakr-ni yoder.SLQZ rnnììi' yòo'vagree toYóó ùnìì' Juáàny b-èèny=bì xhíí=tìs màndáàd.Juan aceptó hacer cualquier trabajo.Juan agreed to do any kind of work. to do somethingrni guzi'wder.vthunder1.1.3.6Lightning, thunderrni lo bca'ldid.cfbca'ldn-u'u bca'ldunspec. comp. form ofn-u'u1bca'ldvdreamRr-níí=dù'úxh=bì lòò bcà'ldEl está soñandoHe is dreaming.r-lo=xga rniunspec. comp. formvwarn, adviseLòò=xgáà ùníí'=à lììTe lo advertí.I warned you.

nis yudxnpuspusRr-díí'=dù'úxh nìjs yùùdx lòò gè'dx.A lot of pus is coming from the wound. disease

r-an2vverseeR-áám=bí fàntáàsmHe sees ghostsR-áán=dù'úxh=bá cònèjw lè'èn dààny.He watches lots of rabbits on the mountain.

jodidadjestar malbe in bad healthùnáá'tí' ràb ánù'á jòdííd=dù'úxh chì'íníwhen they saw that I was in very bad health thenJòdííd nàà=byHe is bad (in character or habits)

r-se'dyv1enseñar; aprendarteach; learnRr-sè'dy Màríí ìnglèjsMaria is learning English.Ùsè'd=dù'úxh Màríí té pàjrr téédy=bí réé=èksáàm.Maria studied a lot to pass the exams.3aprender6.1.1.1Expert

r-gixhRelated tor-axhcfr-at bixhder. ofr-atr-bixh3v1ponerput (on a low surface; on the ground)Ù-dììxh=á' lè'èn lòò yù'ù.I put it on the ground.Ù-dììxh+sàà Juáàny mèèly lòò yù'ù.Juan put the coin down face up on the ground.2pagarpayÍíty Juáàny ní-gììxh nàà'.Juan didn't pay me.3Ííty=à' quíìxh=à' lòò=w tè sóóp nàxìì=dù'úxh=nì.I won't pay because the soup was too salty.

r-ldya'nvtener hambrebe hungryÙ-ldyà'́n JuáànyJuan was hungryBèèyny=dù'úxh Màrìì dzììny té pàjrr ííty ìldá'n réé=xì'nyMaria worked hard so that her children would not be hungry.Ù-ldyà'án JuáànyJuan was hungryunspec. comp. formgalrdya'anhungergalrldya'nunspec. comp. formnhunger

r-ia'chv1faltar que (haga algo)fail to (do something)R-ià’ch quíìby Màríì làjdyMaria failed to wash the clothes.2faltarlack enoughBèèyny=dù'úxh Màrìì dzììny té pàjrr ííty yá'ch réé=xhí'ny=bìMaria worked a lot so that her children would lack nothing.

r-uny ya'nvmantenertake care ofBèèyny=dù'úxh Màríí té pàjrr gúúny+yá'n=bí réé=xí'ny=bìMaria worked hard to take care of her children.