Browse San Dionisio Zapotec – English



r-zalo2vcreer; tener el presentimientobelieveRr-záálóó=éby zúúny=bí gáànHe believes he is going to win. is used for believing a proposition. Rr-yèndí’+là’z means 'believe in (a person); have faith in (a person)'. R-ùùny crèw means 'believe in (something holy)' and is used in religious contexts.
r-ze'cfr-ie'vuntar (algo) enspread (something) on/overÙ-zè' Juáàny màntèquíì lòò gèèt xtíìly.Juan spread the butter on the bread.
r-ze' ... lovpersinarcross oneselfÙzè'é=by lòò=èbyHe crossed himself; he made the sign of the cross
r-ze'ldvtirar; echar; regarspread; throwÙ-zè'ld=nù nìjs nì' yààg.We poured water on the tree.Rr-zè'ld Màríí yáàxh lòò bzyàà.Maria puts garlic on the beans.
r-zeza1vir caminandogo (along); walkZà'ázáá lòò cáàyI went walking down the road.2auxcontinuarcontinueZézàà rr-gòàb Juáàny gèjs.Juan keeps smoking cigarettes.
r-ziRelated tor-yo'vcomprarbuy
r-zi bnicfbnir-be'cy2vsembrarto plant (a seed)Ù-zìì+bnìì Juáàny bè'z gíí't.Juan planted pumpkin seeds.non-projnon-projThis verb refers to planting individual seeds. For broadcasting seeds, the verb rrleh'cy is used.
r-zinyv1cerrar los ojosclose the eyesR-zííny lòò JuàànyJuan closes his eyes. papardear, cerrar el ojo blink, wink, close the eyesRr-zììny bdòòThe baby blinks.Rr-zììny Juáàny lòò Màríí.Juan winks at Maria.
r-zo'bcfr-zobvponerset; placeÙ-zò'b réé=bíín ùnàa rì' lòò yààg.The women put the jug in the tree.
r-zo'b cwidadvcuidarse, poner atenciónbe careful Rrzò'b=dù'úxh Juáàny cuìdáàd.Juan is very careful.Cuìdáàd=dù'úxh Juáàny cùn bdòò.Juan cares for the child a lot/Juan is very careful with the baby.
r-zo'b icyvcargar en la cabezacarry on the headR-zò'b+ììcy Màríí gèès.Maria carries the pot on her head.7.3.1Carry
r-zobrr-zoəbcfr-zo'bvestar sentadositZòòb+rrdèts Juáàny.Juan is seated backwards.Rr-zòòb rì' lòò yààgThe jug is placed in a treer-zob ga'unspec. comp. formvsit downZòòbgá' bdòò' lòò yààgxììlyEl niño está sentado en la silla.The baby is sitting on the chair.Zòòbgá' Juáàny bldàà.Juan está sentado en la sombraJuan is sitting in the shade.
r-zob xelvtener pierna de vaquerobe bowlegged, knock-kneedR-zob xel xiby Juany.Juan is knock-kneed. defect
r-zobylazv1desear (comida, bebida)want (food, drink)Rrzòbylàjz Juáàny tòby ldà'á bè'l.J2deseardesirenìnàázní ííty pàrééjwtìní nààny zì'ícy nù'únì rrxá'trúráb dzììny ààxtà zì'ídínì quìsííèrr là'àráb chííráb nìzì'ídínì rrzòbylàjznì pèr chì'í íítysà rùùny tùcáàrnì là'àráb nada mas es no es parejo, como hay les dan man trabajo hasta es como quisieran que los elijan (que los escogen) lo desean pero no que no les toca a ellosMZ rusäblajz
r-zu1Related tor-sucfbi1r-cha'1vpararstandZùù+ldíì lííèbrr.The book is standing up.Là’à bé’cw zúú dèjts yú’ù.The dog is behind the house.2vhacer esperarcause to waitÙ-zùù=réby lòò=à'They made me wait.Ù-sùù+chìí Juáàny cáàjrr.Juan stopped the car.3vponer (una trampa)set (a trap)Rr-zùù=réby trààmpThey set a trap4vvolarflyÙ-zúú mààny.The bird flew. Voló el pajaro.5recargar, inclinarseleanÙ-zùù+cáá Juáàny x-lììèbrr=nì'Juan leaned his book.r-zu cader.vcause to standÙ-zùù+cáá Juáàny x-lììèbrr=nì'Juan recargó su libro.Juan leaned (?) his book.r-zu listunspec. comp. formvprepare, get readyÙ-zùù+lííst JuáànyJuan se preparó.Juan got ready.r-zu rlounspec. comp. formvbend overRr-zùù+rrlòò JuáànyJuan se inclina.Juan bends over7.1.5Bow
r-zu2v1poner arboles en la tierraplant; cause to standÌ-zúù=by yààg.(He is) going to plant the tree.2exist
r-zu cader. ofr-zu1cause to stand
r-zu cwe'vpararse chuecostand leaning, stand crooked
r-zu dxi1vpararsestopÙ-zùù+dxíí=byHe stopped.
r-zu ldivpararse derechostand straight upZúú+ldíí=à' cùn íícy+ní=à'I'm standing on tiptoes.
r-zu nald1vseguirfollowZúú+nááld=rèby rràxtThey are following the tracks.
r-zu ni'vpisotearstomp (on); step (on)Ù-zùù+nì' Juáàny ììcy xà'cw.Juan stepped on the roaches.
r-zu penvembarazadapregnantZúú bníí dxà'p péènThe woman is pregnant2.6.3.1Pregnancy
r-zu renyvsangrarbleedÙ-zùù+rèèny xí' Juáàny.Juan's nose bled.