sro'ro'srò'ró'npedazo grande (de algo)large piece (of something)
stalstáálcfzi'il1qmucho; másmany; more; muchStáál=rú gèèt ù-dâw Juáàny què Màríì.Juan ate more tortillas than MariaStáál bè'èl ràw Juààny.Juan eats a lot of meat.
sublacsùùbláákqaunque sea algo(at least) something, some small thing, something or otherMààs sùùbláác guùny Juáàny gáàn.Juan earned something, at leastZéé Juáàny dzììny òpá gyè'd=néé=by mààs súú sùùbláác.Juan went to work; hopefully he will bring something or other back.